#1 - February 3, 2014 - Introductory Show General talk about many subjects to start the discussion. Hosts Woody & the Beast wander the path of Kinky and BDSM.

#2 - February 10, 2014 - BDSM scene safetyNegotiations, risks, sub-space and top-drop, exhaustion /dehydration. Rules of engagement. Caller questions: A sub wants to know how to get more time from her Dom. - Another woman wants to know the difference between a Master & a Dominant and what is a Leather Master.

#3 - February 17, 2014 - Consensual Non-MonogamyWoody & the Beast welcome author and lecturer, ShivasVessel to a view into "Consensual Non-monogamy". This is a very informative show that deals with what should and what should not go on in a consensual open relationship that touches poly, cheating, serial dating and many other aspects of more complex interpersonal relationships.

#4 - February 24, 2014 - Cleanliness, Hygiene & STIThis week Woody and the Beast tackle Cleanliness, Hygiene and STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections). This is a very frank discussion about subjects that are often assumed or sometimes hidden. Be open and giving of information that may affect someone else's live.
#5 - March 4, 2014 - Outstanding authors, Kate Kinsey and Uncle AbdulIn this weeks Kinkycast we welcome 2 outstanding authors, Kate Kinsey and Uncle Abdul. Kate talks about her BDSM murder mystery she wrote, titles "Red" and about the Fifty Shades phenomena. Unc, talks about his book on electrical play, titled - "Juice". This is the first installment from Unc that talks about safety, types and gets into TENS types units.Kate's "Red"http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?index=books&linkCode=qs&keywords=9781601830579

#6 - March 11, 2014 - River Johnson on Personal SexualityIn today’s episode we have a guest that is an educator on gender, sex and sexuality, we welcome River Johnson. This is a very important show dealing with personal sexuality and understanding the various physical, biological and mental sexualities.http://itspronouncedmetrosexual.com/

#7 - March 18, 2014 - Curb Your Enthusiam - Sub Frenzy & Part 2 of Uncle AbdulIn this week's opinion piece, Gabrielle speaks on the subject of "sub-frenzy". Her original writing can be seen here. We hear from Uncle Abdul with the second installment on Violet Wands. We get a very frank listener question and preview an up coming show called BDSM Nightmares.http://www.kinkycast.com/curb-the-enthusiasm-origina.html

#8 - March 25, 2014 - A Sub & A slaveHere is a foursome… Woody & the Beast bring Leigh (the sub) and Krissy (the slave) into the studio for a lively discussion on roles and differences.

#9 - April 1, 2014 - Susan Wright, of NCSFIn this episode, our guest is Susan Wright, founder of NCSF (National Coalition of Sexual Freedom). Susan talk about several projects including the “Consent Counts” program. This is an informative discussion that forms a solid legal base for the kinky lifestyle. Also: Uncle Abdul returns with word of a play space in San Jose.NCSF (National Coalition for Sexual Freedom) https://www.ncsfreedom.org/The South Bay Spot (New Play Space)Http://TheSouthBaySpot.comhttps://fetlife.com/groups/77157

#10 -April 8, 2014 - Dr. Brad Sagarin, - Professor of PsychologyOn this weeks show we have Dr. Brad Sagarin, a professor of psychology at NIU. He has put together a BDSM Research team. Hear what led to the creation of this team and they're findings on hormone levels during BDSM play. Dr. Brad speaks at various kink organizations across the country. Hear what he has to say.The Science of BDSM: The Blog - http://scienceofbdsm.blogspot.com/The Science of BDSM, the website for the NIU BDSM Team - http://www.scienceofbdsm.com/ BDSM Research Team on Twitter - https://twitter.com/ScienceofBDSM

#11 - April 15, 2014 - Raven Kaldara & slave JoshuaThe authors of over 40 books, from spirituality, to BDSM play. These nationally traveled pair visit with Woody & the Beast from their farm in the Berkshires.tp://alfredpress.com/index.htmlhttp://www.ravenkaldera.org/

#12 - April 19, 2014 - Kate Kinsey Rings In On Sub FrenzyKate Kinsey returns to offer her opinion to Gabrielle’s opinion piece on sub-frenzy. Kate gets down on what newbies need to do to be safe and still have fun. We also have a link page for you to get a text copy of her safety points. Kate has been in the scene for over 13 years and offers a different perspective on sub-frenzy and getting too wrapped up in the scene.Link Page: Sub-Frenzy - Kate Kinsey

#13 - April 26, 2014 - Poly? - Part 2 of Consensual Non-MonogamyThis week we bring back ShivasVessel for part two in her series on Poly. This time we learn that poly is multiple anything! So if you are Polyamours, Polysexual or just into Polyfuckery, find out how to manage the many things you are into. This is the follow-up to episode 3 on “Consensual Non-Monogamy”.http://www.amazon.com/Redefining-Our-Relationships-Guidelines-Responsible/dp/1587900157http://www.amazon.com/Polyamorists-Next-Door-Multiple-Partner-Relationships/dp/1442222956/ref=sr_1_sc_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1398526424&sr=1-1-spell&keywords=the+polyamourests+next+doorhttp://www.amazon.com/Communication-Jealousy-Language-Social-Action/dp/1433116987/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1398526486&sr=1-1&keywords=the+communication+of+jealousy
#14 - May 3, 2014 - Venturing Out with JoySpreaderThe first in our series of Venturing Out. Our guest is JoySpreader founder of FindAMunch.com. Joy shares a lot great info on how to locate kinksters in your area. Check the "Newcomer Tips, Munch Basics" tab for a number of links to get you started. Community leaders also have a tab for a way to expand their group.http://findamunch.com/

#15 - May 11, 2014 - Janet W. Hardy - Author / PublisherToday on the KinkyCast our guest is Janet Hardy, the author or coauthor of eleven groundbreaking books about relationships and sexuality, including The Ethical Slut and Girlfag: A Life Told In Sex and Musicals. She has traveled the world as a speaker and teacher on topics ranging from ethical multi partner relationships to erotic spanking and beyond. Janet serves as Editorial Director for Greenery Press, the firm she founded in 1992, as well as for Down There Press. She also runs The Active Voice, which offers editorial, event and promotional consulting.http://www.janetwhardy.com/http://goodmenproject.com/Dossie Easton & Janet Hardy - The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilitieshttp://www.amazon.com/The-Ethical-Slut-Infinite-Possibilities/dp/1890159018Jay Wiseman - SM 101: A Realistic Introductionhttp://www.amazon.com/SM-101-A-Realistic-Introduction/dp/0963976389

#16 - May 18, 2014 - Master JeromeThis week Master Jerome joins Woody to talk about his journey to mastery. Master Jerome is an activist for our sexual rights and has shaped BDSM communities in San Francisco, San Jose and Phoenix. We talk about the formative days of community, as we moved from word of mouth to computer bulletin boards to the Internet. Jerome is working to bring BDSM into a positive light in modern media.

#17 - May 25, 2014 - Different Loving's Author Gloria BrameThis week, Gloria G. Brame, Ph.D. in Human Sexuality, is an author, blogger, sex historian, board-certified sexologist, and sex therapist in private practice. Brame is the world's leading authority on fetishes and BDSM, and is a much-quoted expert on mainstream sexual issues, including performance disorders and orgasmic function. In addition to The Truth About Sex, Volume I: Sex and the Self and Volume II: Sex for Grown-Ups, she is the author of perennial bestsellers Different Loving: The World of Sexual Dominance and Submission and Come Hither: A Commonsense Guide to Kinky Sex. A full professor of Human Sexuality at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, Brame also sits on the board of the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance. Most recently, Brame was named among the "10 Best Sex and Dating Experts," by DatingAdvice.com.http://www.GloriaBrame.com

#18 - May 31, 2014 - Two Part Show On Sex Work in the US and CanadaThis week week have a two part show. The Beast interviews Sarah Greenmore a 23 year old exhibitionist and sex worker hailing from Portland, Oregon. She has been involved in various jobs within the sex industry for the last five years. She will be making the trip to Nevada next week to start work at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch chain of brothels, following a dream she's had for many years. Sarah speaks openly about sex work, her personal life and Fetlife personas, and hopes to spread the gospel of the "happy hooker" - humanizing and discussing the merits of sex work. This is a contrast to episode 18B that takes place in Canada.In part two, Woody interviews Sophie Delancy a VP and Director for TheArtofBlowjob.com. In four years she is turning on the kink in this traditionally very vanilla site. "I'm starting to focus on including different kinds of sex including kinky stuff in a palatable way to our audience." We talk about that process and what its like as a female dominant shooting what can be considered fairly female submissive content. Sophie is located in Canada and the aspects of sex work take on a very different view to the USA.https://fetlife.com/users/1319781http://TheArtOfTheBlowJob.com

#19 - June 7, 2014 - Positive Pain Processing with LunaKMWhen we learn about processing pain in play it’s a good idea to understand methods we use. These methods can make handling pain either harder or more pleasurable. We will discuss the different processing methods with LunaKM, the author/editor/owner of SubmissiveGuide.com, a community and blog for novice and experienced submissives. We’ll discuss her articles on Pain Processing and talk about the ways to process pain, how to reach subspace more often and how to enjoy pain as pleasure. LunaKM even was kind enough to give KinkyCast's listeners a special offer on her ebook, Pain Processing in Play. Tune in for more details.http://www.submissiveguide.com/http://www.the-iron-gate.com/http://www.dominantguide.com/http://www.submissiveguide.com/2011/04/processing-pain-in-play-what-is-the-natural-process/http://www.submissiveguide.com/ebooks/processing-pain-in-play-ebook/Pain Processing in Play ebook (promo code: "KinkyCast" for half off listed price)www.submissiveplayground.com

#20 - June 14, 2014 - Ten Kinkster Discussion GroupWelcome to our special two-part discussion group episode – Part I. Listeners have sent us questions for the seed of the discussion and it gets lively from there. The opening question for part one was: “I am thinking about my Master collaring me. How do I come out to my family and friends?” The second question was “I keep hearing about community, how does that apply to BDSM?” Part I runs 53 minutes. Part II. Listeners have sent in questions for the seed of the discussion and it gets lively from there. The opening question for part two was: “The Internet has changed the way people connect, meet and play. We have lost some of the ritual that once ruled the leather lifestyle. What do you think?” And, “Play styles: What’s yours?” Part II runs 52 minutes.

#21 - June 21, 2014 - Feeling Legal? - Attorney Alan SloneThis weeks cast features a working attorney that deal with the legal trouble of kinksters and others. Alan Slone is listed in NCSF’s “Kink Aware Professionals” directory and has plenty of good advise for our listeners. Think about working out your fantasy and something goes horribly wrong, what next? “Feeling Legal?” is the first in our series of kink professionals that keep us on the right track. Also listen for the June installment of NSCF Update.

#22 - June 28, 2014 - Kinky Photography with TinyKToday we have photographer Tiny K and his wife and model Katt. Tiny is a well-known kink photographer and shares a wealth experience with shooting sometimes-shy nude models. Even if you don't know an f-stop from a focal-length, the crew will help you along to shoot the object of your affection.

#23 - July 5, 2014 - Are You Out?Are you out? What does that mean. This is the “Coming Out” episode. The gay community has been talking about “coming out” of the closet for decades. The Kinky community is now grappling with coming out now. First you need to come out to yourself. “Am I kinky?” If yes, then do I tell my family, friends, and employer? Listen to Woody and the Beast debate on telling our secrets to the people around us and to cyberspace in general.
#24 - July 12, 2014 - SouthEast LeatherFest - Wrap-UpJoin Woody, the Beast and Kate Kinsey as they share their adventures at the June 2014 SouthEast LeatherFest. With highlights from the interviews and contests, this show is jam-packed with everything that makes SELF so special: sexy kinksters, shiny boots, playful pups, fisting, ponies, dirty books and, yes, even rubber chickens. The SELF wrap-up show is the next best thing to being there. If you’ve never been to a kinky event, this will give you a taste of what you’re missing! Listen to wrap-up show AND click in the link to take you to the SELF EXTRAVAGANZA page for Award presentations and interviews. The fun never stops.Links to interviews:>> SirLoki - Puppy Play>> The Littles>> Loren Berthelsen - Keynote (Comedy)>> Laura Antoniou>> Woody’s Boot Black Experience

#25 - July 19, 2014 - FetLife's John BakuJohn Baku was a software engineer from Montreal, Canada, who dreamed of a social media site for kinksters of all ages, races, creeds, orientations and fetishes. The result: FetLife.com, often called the Facebook for kinky folk. We talk to John about the genesis of FetLife, it's growing pains, and both the successes and failures of this Colossus of the Internet.

#26 - July 25, 2014 - Sera Miles - Sex ActivistSera Miles founded and directs the social networking group New Mexico FetLifers. Her group holds monthly events, coordinate with the larger alternative sexuality community in NM/Western TX, and maintains a calendar of events around her region. She works for People Exchanging Power (PEP), both as a phone counselor and on the business side. Sera, a sex worker for over 12 years, and I'm an ardent sex work activist. In the last year, she has begun teaching more in the community; having developed classes on storytelling, diplomacy, writing profiles, and the pressures to be perfect. "I'm a little esoteric. I can also always whip out a 101/intro to the scene class!"

#27 - August 1, 2014 - Sideshow Bennie!Both kinky and poly, SideShow Bennie has been part of the modern side show revival for over 15 years and has a legion of fans from border to border and coast to coast. His pain threshold is legendary and his wit is bountiful and those two attributes combine to make SideShow Bennie an entertainment extravaganza without peer. SideShow Bennie's act is an intense physical experience. He does things with and to his body that the rational mind tells one they should not do, including driving nails up his nose, allowing audience members to staple dollar bills to his body (even his forehead!), fire breathing, glass walking and much more. We'll talk to Bennie about how his kinky leanings contribute to his professional act. Don't miss this one, folks; Bennie is one of the funniest people around!

#28 - August 8, 2014 - Welcome to Chicago to the Leather Archive & MuseumThe Beast travels to the Leather Archive & Museum in Chicago. Join a conversation and tour with Rick, Executive Director, and Jackob, the Senior Archivist, of Chicago's most interesting museum and the kink communities premier US cultural repository. Included is a special guided auditory tour of the incredible space that is the Leather Museum and Archive.

#29 - August 15, 2014 - Truth about Dominant WomenThis week Woody and the Beast get kicked out of the studio. Leigh takes over as two Dominant women give their view of BDSM with women on top. Miss_Tress and Myrrhdusa join Leigh for the A/B episode, each running about 33 minutes.

#30 - August 22, 2014 - Rockin' House PartyThis week the Beast hits the road to visit the White House play party! No, not the one on Washington, the one in Kentucky. Beast interviews the Host and guests about BDSM house party etiquette and expectations. If you have never been to a house party, here's your chance to learn the best way to go about it.

#31 - August 29, 2014 - Master Sargent & his PrivateMaster Sargent & his Private - Today our Leigh interviews Master Sargent & his Private. Mr. & Mrs. Olympic Leather titleholders 2013/2014 talk about being older in the community, while bringing education and safety to new members of their local and regional communities.MasterSgtmstrsgtpvtSE Olympus Leather Contest

#32 - September 5, 2014 - Master Cecil of the woodshedToday's guest might say, "Welcome to the Woodshed", Orlando's premier play space and BDSM education center. Master Cecil is one of the most giving people in BDSM/Leather community! Listen to his story and how the Woodshed came to be. Check our webpage for "Hot-Links" to the Fet Photos we refer to in the cast. Enjoy.http://www.thewoodshedorlando.com/

#33 - September 12, 2014 - Ernest Green & Nina HartleyErnest Greene and Nina Hartley are the ultimate power couple of porn. He is the groundbreaking BDSM and fetish filmmaker, and editor of Hustler’s Taboo magazine. Nina, the legendary porn star, is his wife, slave and muse, as well as a film director, sex educator, feminist and author. This wonderfully candid couple talks to KC about their lives, careers and relationship. They also talk about Ernest’s new erotic novel, “The Master of O,” a modern retelling of the classic “The Story of O” with a twist: the story is told from the dominant’s point of view.http://masterofo.com/http://www.nina.com/On Twitter:@TheMasterOfO@ninaland

#34 - September 19, 2014 - Capricorn Witch & slave IvyFor some, spirituality and Leather are tools for growth. In this episode Krissy explores these concepts, and how they intersect, with Capricorn Witch and slave Ivy, both of whom have presented rituals at SELF and have spent over two decades exploring and learning from kink, paganism and Leather. Tune in for another fascinating discussion!

#35 - September 26, 2014 - Sybil HolidayToday's show brings a special, two part interview with Sybil Holiday, sexual activist. We track her life from a Boston Catholic girls school to New York biker hangouts to being an exotic dancer in San Francisco. Sybil went on, finding BDSM and becoming a pro-Dom. Now in her sixties, she unfolds her life in kink.

#36 - October 3, 2014 - Intersection of swing & BDSMAre you a Swinger, or a BDSM player? Maybe you are one but not both. There is a trend seeing BDSM players going to Swing clubs and vice versa. What are the expectations? What are the rules? Join our hosts as Shiva's Vessel and Lord Byron join the conversation to talk about what works and what doesn't.

#37 - October 10, 2014 - Daphne's JourneyDaphne joins Woody & the Beast in Studio A for a revealing look into her life journey. Born a male, in a traditional Louisiana home, then joining the military and traveling the world, but she wanted more. Joins us to share Daphne's Journey.

#38 - October 17, 2014 - Dr. Grenci / Mistress CarlaDr. Grenci PhD is a famous Florida Pro Dom, starting her career over 4 decades ago. Her early forays into the world of kink were uncharted and she successfully learned as she went, studying her clients and developing techniques, as well as overcoming an arrest, witch hunt and kangaroo court. She is a sexologist and researcher,sex educator and lecturer, speaking at Universities around the county and in Europe including the Kinsey Institute.

#39 - October 24, 2014 - Toy maker-Dark InnovationsIf you enjoy playing with paddles this is the episode for you! And of course if you enjoy spanking, you need a spanking bench! Woody and The Beast talk with master toy maker, Dark Innovations, about his beautiful creations from design to the finished product with lots of useful information throughout.https://fetlife.com/users/1342075

#40 - October 31, 2014 - Nancy Ava MillerNancy Ava Miller is the johnny Appleseed of BDSM, having a hand in starting many kink communities - Atlanta, DC's Black Rose was a PEP chapter, RNT in Nashville was a PEP chapter, Houston, Albuquerque, St Louis, Cincinnati's first organized pansexual group was a PEP chapter started by Nashville.http://NancyAva.comhttp://PEPLove.com

#41 - November 7, 2014 - Slave Pat - Ms southeast leatherSlave Pat joins the Kinky Cast crew in a heartfelt and at times, emotional interview, discussing her journey in life and Leather which culminated in her becoming Ms.SELF (Southeast Leather Fest) titleholder for 2014. Her message will touch your heart.https://secure.seleatherfest.com/

#42 - November 14, 2014 - Negotiation & Scene StyleThis week Woody and the Beast venture into the land of new player negotiations and play style. We walk through the KinkyCast "Scene Questionnaire" and the Personal Sexuality Map. We talk about safe calls and the use of the "B Safe You" App for Android and iPhone. If you are new to the BDSM world, this is a must listen!Sexuality MapScene & Negotiation Questionnaire

#43 - November 21, 2014 - Mistress LoreleiMistress Lorelei, author and player, talks about her experiences and adventures across communities all across the US. The author of the Mistress Manual, one of the seminal works for those interested in the female driven power exchange relations, talks about the evolution of the community and how feminism fits within the lifestyle.http://mistressmanual.com/bookshttp://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=3840983http://twitter.com/MsLoreleihttp://tumblr.com/blog/mslorelei

#44 - November 26, 2014 - Master Blue & slave sheriMaster Blue and slave sheri dropped by the KinkyCast studios to talk about life on the road as a leather titleist and all the complications that life can throw at a couple raising kids and being active in the scene.

#45 - December 5, 2014 - Beyond 50 ShadesSo what comes after Fifty Shades of Grey? Why, Beyond-50.com, of course! Beyond 50 is the official website for a collaboration of erotic authors, where FSoG readers can find more sexy stories to tickle their kinky fancy.In part "B", Kate Kinsey explains more about the Beyond-50 campaign, revisits her SELF interview with mastermind Laura Antoniou, and talks with DL King, author and editor of the free sampler anthology soon to be available for download from Beyond-50.com!In , field correspondent Kimiko Alexander, of Powerinpractice.com, talks with erotica authors Tammy Jo Eckhart, Payne Hawthorne, I.G. Fredrick and Rachel Kramer Bussel. Plus, Jolynn Raymond talks for the first time about her BDSM - themed historical romances.http://KateKinsey.comKate's Beyond50Beyond-50.com

#46a - December 12, 2014 - The Sati Slut ShowThe Slut Show - Today's two part Slut Show starts with Sati, from Florida We discuss how they claim their sexual identity and are making the term slut into a positive word for themselves and other women. Our guests are very different one in a slut for her pleasure and the other is a professional. (See the next page for part 2)http://slutbucketlist.com/https://fetlife.com/users/1581342

#46b - December 12, 2014 - The Sarah Slut ShowThe Slut Show - Today's two part Slut Show, Nevada's Sarah Greenmore and continues to episode 46B with . We discuss how they claim their sexual identity and are making the term slut into a positive word for themselves and other women. Our guests are very different one in a slut for her pleasure and the other is a professional.https://fetlife.com/users/1319781https://twitter.com/SarahGreenmore

#47 - December 19, 2014 - The KinkyCast Holiday ShowThe KinkyCast staff gathered around a blazing microphone to tell stories of the year. Join Woody, the Beast, Kate, Leigh and Krissy for reflections of our guests of 2014. We all want to wish our listeners a happy holiday season and a prosperous new year.

#48 - December 24, 2014 - Surrender Dorothy!This week we point our microphones in a different direction, under age sex. Our guest, Surrender Dorothy, started her kinky life too early to be legal. At the tender age of 16 she was violated in the name of BDSM. A lack of access to proper training and erotic expectations led her to situation that had legal consequences for many years. There is a lot to be learned from Dorothy. Join Woody and the Beast as they unfold the story.