Special Edition SouthEast LeatherFest 2017 Preview
Where individuality is valued. Where education is free-flowing. Where fun is abundant. We're mixing it up and we invite you to do the same. What is mixology? Mixology is our theme for this year because we are the place where all facets of our community come together and generate something more than their individual pieces. We are a meeting place, a connection, a mingling spot. We are a place of joy, learning, creation, love, and compassion. We give you a place to forge and strengthen the community: at home, in the region, and across the nation. We are GLBTQ, allies, alternative relations, and people pursuing free expression of our identities. Register and experience Mixology.
Link: SELeatherFest.com
Keywords: kinkycast, self, southeastleatherfest, mixology, lgbtq, 2017, preview