#205 - Robert Dante - Whipmaster This week Woody & the Beast brings Robert Dante to the studio. Robert is a, Bullwhip Performer, Whip Teacher and Presenter of Workshops, Demos and Author of “Let’s Get Cracking! The How-To Book of Bullwhip skills. Producer/performer in erotic/instructional DVD, Bullwhip: Art of the Single Tail Whip. Author of the bullwhip chapter in “Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns." Featured on HBO’s Real Sex, Playboy's Night Calls, and many more TV shows and podcasts. Four-time Guinness World Record holder. "The best whip master we have seen!" Skin Two Magazine.Robert Dante Whip ProgramsLet’s Get Cracking! -- Whips 101: The Basics, Getting a Good Foundation, Learning How to Learn, Commonly Encountered Problems and How to Solve Them.Bullwhip: The Epitome of S&M: BDSM applications of whip skills; Whip basics, crafting a bullwhip scene, working in tight spaces, maximizing your odds for a good scene, experiencing the Circle of Energy between Sadist and masochist/Top and bottom, open question period. (Bring your whip.) Dante Master Class: One-on-one intensives, formatted to sharpen your learning curve!Stacking the Odds in Your Favor: How to increase the likelihood of successful and safe bullwhip scenes without sacrificing intensity or enjoyability, based on Dante's years in the Scene as a BDSM and in the mainstream world as a professional bullwhip artist. Know the risks so you can make the smart choices!Fine Tuning Your Whips: Optimizing whips for better performance — crackers, falls, conditioning, storing, repairs, elements of good whip repair bags, and more. Bullwhip Arcana Revealed: Spiritual, philosophical, and magical aspects of the bullwhip.Events:Feb. 10, 2018 - Vicious Valentine IV Bloomington, MNFeb. 23-25, 2018 - Rome BDSM Conf., Rome, Italy Mar. 22, 2018 - The CitadelThe Citadel, San Francisco, CA Mar. 24, 2018 - , 3-hr Intensive Mar. 28-April 2, 2018 - TGIF, Fresno, CA May 26-June 3, 2018 - Camp Crucible, Maryland July 20-22, 2018 - Moxie’s Garden, Casco MELink: www.bullwhip.xxx
#207 - Molly Devon - Author - Screw the Roses, Send Me the ThornsMolly Devon discusses her nearly 30 years in the community and what drove her to publish the seminal "Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns" with her late-partner Phillip Miller. Still speaking and educating Molly talks about motherhood and her early journey that led to self-publishing Screw the Roses and distributing it from the back of her car. This book is a landmark in the BDSM world and a must-read.From Amazon… The classic guide to sadomasochism by two experienced players. This unabashed, entertaining book strips away myth, shame and fear, revealing the truth about an intense form of eroticism too long misunderstood and condemned. It is fully indexed and includes over 225 photos and illustrations, a 250-plus word glossary, appendices with over 650 contacts for SM related clubs, stores, craftspeople and literature.Link “Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns”Keywords: Spoken, Podcast, kinkycast, bdsm, sm, screw, roses, send, thorns, molly, devon
#208 - NookieNote on Personal AccountabilityThis week Woody & the Beast focus our mic on Raleigh NC. NookieNotes, known by most as Nookie, grew up in the lifestyle and around people of every color and bent. Her primary fetishes are communication and behavior modification. She's a lifestyle dominant who runs her relationships and enjoys switching in the bedroom. She’s an author and the creator of Dating Kinky.Links:http://datingkinky.com (BETA) http://amazon.com/author/msnnoteshttps://fetlife.com/users/50648Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, nookie, notes, personal, accountability, responsibility, modification, dating, kinky
#209 - Billy Holder on New Relationship Energy KinkyCast Four Year Anniversary Show!Do you have someone new in your life? Do you have that heady feeling of euphoria when you think of your new love object? Billy Holder presents his view of New Relationship Energy, recorded live at Frolicon.Billy Holder is a Polyamory activist, educator, and community organizer who helped found and manage the Non-Profit Organization Atlanta Polyamory, as well as Atlanta Poly Weekend. Billy also served as the Vice President of Relationship Equality Foundation Inc. a public charity 501 (c)(3), where his primary role was outreach, education and new program development. Also as a member of the Polyamory Leadership Network, he is in contact with Polyam community leaders from around the world and is up to date on all the happenings, conferences, news, and events.Billy has been Poly identified since 2004, but believes he has always been poly, since he began dating. Monogamy never worked out right. His first experience with multiple relationships was asking someone to the prom as a 2nd date. They didn’t react kindly at the notion they were back up in case the plans with the first fell through. But he never got to explain that’s not what he meant.Muchgrowth has happened since and he now knows the value of upfront disclosure in relationships.Billy and his family have been featured in CNN.com article “Polyamory: When three is not a crowd” By Emmanuella Grinberg, Sex and Dating : Is Atlanta a Hotbed for Polyamory - GA voice Feb 2011, the Australian Morning TV Show, ” Weekend Sunrise” and also, NBC’s “One Big, Happy, Poly, Family” and others see the MEDIA page for a full list! He has been a presenter at Poly Living, Beyond the Love, Frolicon, Outlantacon, The Warehouse SC, Atlanta Poly Weekend, Georgia State University and others. See Appearances to find out where he will be next.In Billy’s ‘spare’ time he balances a busy life of Father, Partner and Boyfriend. As well as training in Taekwondo With a daughter and partners who are also active in Taekwondo. Having recently earned a Black Belt his training has only just really begun. His weeknights are usually a blur of driving, scheduling, and cooking. Date night is in there for his partners individually to ensure personal connection time and support for each. The weekends are spent with family and friends, when not teaching or working for the rights of others. Hobbies include Taekwondo, Geocaching, kayaking, camping, boating, woodworking, shooting range time, and yard work.KeyWords: podcast, kinkycast, poly, relationship, new, energy, billy, holder, activist, atlanta
#210 - FlutteryGirl - Size Matters This week Woody & the Beast learn why “Size Matters” when FlutteryGirl explains it. One day she was just reading someone’s writing about dick size and how it’s body shaming for men. True enough. It occurred to her that often women say "size doesn't matter" (also true) but never tend to explain why this is. So Fluttery thought she’d give a little insight. Size does matter but not in the way guys think. Yes, most girls if not all will at some time talk about a big cock they have had and how nice it was. What you don't normally hear is that a lot of the time women don't enjoy a larger cock. There's only so much room inside before it becomes uncomfortable! Different sizes need different positions. It's rather rare for someone with a really big cock to be able to toss a girls feet/legs over their shoulders and really pound without actually hurting a girl in a not so good way. Trust me it's not fun to walk around all bruised inside for a couple days or worse yet to start bleeding because of something like that. So then you get stuck with only certain positions that are enjoyable for both partners.Link to Fluttery’s writing: https://fetlife.com/users/608103/posts/4719919Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, size, matters, dick, cock, fluttery, flutterygirl, guys, large, small, body, shaming, men, uncomfortable
#211 - Ben Hopper - Fine Artist & Photographer Ben Hopper is a fine art photographer working mainly in the performing arts. Since 2007 he has been working closely with local and international artists, companies and venues to produce both promotional imagery and material for creative projects. His clients and partners include Cirque du Soleil, The Roundhouse, The School of Dance and Circus (DOCH) at Stockholm University of the Arts, The European Federation of Professional Circus Schools (FEDEC), Les 7 doigts de la main (The 7 Fingers), DV8 Physical Theatre, and more.Hopper’s photography has been featured by a wide range of organizations across the arts sector, including acclaimed publishers / exhibitors 125, legendary event producers Secret Cinema, and a variety of cultural venues and festivals including Jacksons Lane in London and CIRCa Festival in France. Hopper’s photography has also reached a wide online audience through media outlets including The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, ELLE, The Guardian, The Daily Mail, and GQ. His controversial project ‘Natural Beauty’, has reached millions around the world after going viral in April 2014.Since 2010, Hopper has participated in over 30 exhibitions, and following a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2013 his first major solo show ‘Giving Something Back' was attended by 5000 people. In 2016 Hopper exhibited his project Transfiguration in Paris at Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain following a 2nd successful Kickstarter campaign in late 2015. The Paris exhibition was followed by 2 London shows:In April at The Roundhouse (London) as part of their contemporary circus festival CircusFest and in May at The Truman Brewery in the heart of Brick Lane. The London exhibitions were supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.The Transfiguration exhibitions were attended by over 35,000 people.Ben Hopper lives and works in Hackney Wick in London but often travels and works around the globe. Links: https://therealbenhopper.com/ https://fetlife.com/users/576905 https://www.patreon.com/BenHopperKeywords: podcast, kinkycast, ben, hopper, photographer, artist, fine, london, controversial, exhibitions, international

#212 - A Mischief Managed - The Evolution of a New Dom AMischiefManaged (Ron) is a relatively new face to the kink scene. Even though his journey has taken him to hundreds of events in 10 different cities, most may only know of him through his writings, which are beginning to rival some of the most prolific writers on the fetlife.com platform. His particular writing style brings an unexpected sense of authenticity, openness with his flaws, and thought provoking perspectives to his own journey as well as the journey of those around him. Those who are new to the scene can find a library of these writings on his profile as well as a recommended class progression to take someone from knowing absolutely nothing to being fairly comfortable and integrated with their local scene. He has also spent time developing an intensive class called “The Philosophy of Fulfillment in Power Exchange.” The purpose of which is to build the rules, protocols, and the traditions observed in a relationship around 30 unique personality aspects of each individual, the love language the person hears, the golden circle of why we do what we do, as well as the desires and bucket list each person wishes to experience in their life. It is by far the most requested class he teaches. Today he shares with us his own journey and some wisdom he hopes the next generation can use to revolutionize their kinky experience.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/3949958Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, mischief, managed, evolution, dom, new, kink, scene, journey, prolific, writer.

#213 - Master KAOS - BDSMwiki.infoMaster KAOSMaster KAOS is a musician residing in Austin Texas, USA. He is a practitioner of SM techniques and M/s relationships and has a strong passion for teaching locally and even globally with his recent participation at the M/s D/s convention. He approaches BDSM and M/s from a place of informed consent between adults in a risk aware fashion and will be competing in the 2018 Heartland Person of Leather Competition, a regional feeder for the International Person of Leather contest. Master KAOS is the founder of the BDSMwiki.info and owner of the Fetlife “Ask and Answer” forum. He is the head of a poly M/s household that participates regularly in MAsT. Additionally, he is presently working to finish his first book “The Master/slave Manual” which features multiple authors and teachers.Link: BDSMwiki.infokeywords: podcast, kinkycast, master, kaos, bdsmwiki, bdsm, wiki, info,mast, austin, m/s, d/s, poly, master/slave

#214 - Ben Schenker - Poly LawBen focuses on providing legal support to families, especially LGBT/GSM and polyamorous families, utilizing a variety of techniques, ranging from cohabitation agreements and parenting plans to estate planning and preparing to obtain cohabitation rights via alternative mechanisms. Ben can also offer tax advice, especially as relates to pre-nuptial agreements. Ben works with clients to make sure that the fees he charges are reasonable, and will work with payment plans. Ben is admitted to practice in Maryland and Washington, D.C. He is a member of the D.C. Bar Association Family Law Community, the Family Law Section of the Maryland State Bar Association, and the Alternative Families Committee of the Family Law Section of the American Bar Association, as well as of the DC LGBT Bar Association and the National LGBT Bar Association. He is a strong believer in pro bono service, and has earned awards from the California State Bar and the Legal Aid Society of San Diego for his work.Ben has published articles about divorce and estate planning, and the history of divorce in Maryland. He also has a forthcoming article focusing on how attorneys can use the lessons learned by LGBT/GSM attorneys to help protect non-married and polyamorous families, and an upcoming presentation to a local kink group about how to use estate planning techniques to ensure privacy. Ben has presented his paper about the history of divorce in Maryland to the Family Law Sections of the Baltimore County Bar Association and the Baltimore City Bar Association. Links: Website: Polyamory.law MDSchenkerLaw.comFacebook: @mdschenkerlaw Twitter: @polyamorylawyerEmail: PolyamoryLawyer@gmail.com Ben@SchenkerLaw.comWebsite Feature: https://www.mdschenkerlaw.com/service-finder/Ben was featured on PolyWeekly Podcast: http://polyweekly.com/550-ask-poly-lawyer/Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, ben, schenker, poly, law, dc, bar, lgbt, gsm, legal, aid
#216 - Frolicon May 17-20 2018 - PreShow with PamFrolicon is the unique juxtaposition of the geek and kink worlds celebrated in glorious fashion in the heart of downtown Atlanta. Each Spring we celebrate our unique sense of fun and frivolity with 2000 of our closest friends. What’s your poison? We’ve got it all. Kink. Gaming. Burlesque. Music. Costuming. Parties. Lots and lots of parties. At Frolicon we pride ourselves on providing a safe and comfortable place where you can be you. With tracks of programming with focuses on LGBTQIA, erotica and sci-fi/fantasy authors, photography, dance, polyamory, psychology, and so much more we are positive that you’ll find your happy place and maybe discover a few new ones. See you in the Spring! Book now, time is running out!!!Link: Frolicon SiteKeywords: podcast, kinkycast, frolicon, pam, Kink, Gaming, Burlesque, Music, Costuming, Parties
#215 - Master Ron K - Who Can Consent? Master Ron K, has been in the Leather DsBDSm lifestyle for just over 40 years at this point, he started young and lied about his age. Master Ron has enjoyed a few slaves, many bottoms and a few Mentors/Tops. All of these people have contributed to him as a human and a Master during the process of life until now. He is a product of these experiences.This week Master Ron talks are a subject brought up at a MaST meeting last year, on the subject of “Who can consent?” This intrigued us at the KinkyCast and so we got him on the line to explore the subject.Master Ron has had a long and enduring commitment to giving back to the Leather community. He wrote a monthly column for the Leather Journal in the mid 90's, presented at Living in Leather X, presented at the 1999 Master slave Conference in Atlanta, delivered many workshops in his local areas and was honored to be named San Jose Master 1995. He continues to speak on Master/slave relationships whenever and wherever he is asked.He is currently working to develop a Master/slave relationship that brings out the best of all that he has learned and experienced over the years and continues to write about his Master/slave experience and philosophy.Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, master, slave, consent, MaST, relationship, who, able, misunderstood, mental, iq, legal
#217 - Franklin Veaux “More Than Two" CoAuthorFranklin has been ideologically kinky and polyamorous his entire life, functionally kinky and polyamorous since 1984, and writing about BDSM and polyamory since 1996. He started practicing non-monogamy from the moment he started becoming aware that boys and girls are different. Along the way, he's made just about every mistake it’s possible to make in polyamorous relationships. Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from poor judgment.He writes about BDSM on the Web at www.xeromag.com and about polyamory at www.morethantwo.com, co-authored with my partner Eve Rickert.keywords: podcast, kinkycast, franklin beaux, more, than, two, polyamory, beds, kinky, polyamorous, relationship non-monogamy, monogamy, mistake
#218 - KohanaKoa & Keiki - Daddy & BabygirlKohanaKoa has been a practicing Dom for over 20 years. He is proud to have a wonderful babygirl in his Keiki. She is the light of his life. Their relationship is very special and both of them couldn’t be happier. One of their many dynamics id Dady babygirl. Kiki is an avid masochist and takes her roles seriously. KohanaKoa works hard for a living and Keiki is working hard on her college degree. They enjoy and welcome new friendships and are always happy to give back to their lifestyle community so feel free to message us or request friendship, but please be respectful.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/361174Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, relationship, daddy, baby, baby girl, kohanaKoa, keiki, sadist, masochist, dom, 20
#219 - Page Turner’s New Book - “A Geeks Guide to Unicorn Ranching”Page Turner, author, blogger and practicing polyamorist, brings her latest book, A Geek’s Guide to Unicorn Ranching: Advice for Couples Looking for Another Partner. Here is a look into her new book…Unicorn hunters get a bum rap in polyamory, despite being very common, especially among poly newbies. A “unicorn” is a polyamorous, bisexual woman who will date both members of a couple. The couple that opens up a previously closed relationship and is looking for this unicorn to form a 3-person relationship, they’re the unicorn hunters. This sounds all fine and good, right? And it should be. Except it can be a difficult (even scary) thing to come in as a new person to an already established relationship. For starters, you are literally outnumbered. It’s 2 on 1. Not to mention that there’s a power imbalance from shared history in this pre-existing relationship. The couple may also have ties from living together, legal protections like marriage, kids, etc. And it certainly doesn’t help that many couples place additional restrictions on the unicorn they’re dating. This woman may be barred from having other partners of her own.The setup can become especially troubling if the unicorn is hidden from the couple’s extended family but expected to live with them. Whenever anyone the couple isn’t out as poly to (family, coworkers, etc) is over, even when the holidays come around, she may be expected to hide or act as a maid or babysitter.Some couples may even stipulate that the unicorn is required to love both parts of the couple equally — which is arguably not even a thing that’s possible to control.This kind of controlling imbalanced behavior is common enough that if you’re a single poly woman who dates enough couples, you’re bound to run into these kinds of unicorn hunters every once in a while.I have been on both sides of this equation, as a unicorn dating couples and as a member of a couple dating unicorns together.Don’t Be Unicorn Hunters, Be Unicorn RanchersWhat I had to learn was that couples really shouldn’t be hunting unicorns.Instead, couples should be unicorn ranchers. If we want unicorns to come and visit us, we should create a safe place for them.If you want a unicorn, you must first create a unicorn sanctuary. Grow grass, plant flowers. Tend it. Leave the gate open. But don’t set any traps.Make sure your relationship is in order. “Relationship broken, add more people” never works. A unicorn isn’t going to be your big fluffy life raft. They are a person with wants and needs of their own, ones that don’t revolve around your preexisting relationship.Don’t hunt them down. Don’t conquer them. And when they show up, of their own accord, in this magical refuge you have created, whatever you do, don’t fence them in. Feed your unicorn.If they like you, if they trust you, they’ll stay.As she wrote before:Being a unicorn is fantastic, yet terrifying. You’re universally pursued, but you never know whether it’s because someone wants to cut off your horn, kill you and mount your head on the wall, or keep you at their ranch and spoil you.If you’re looking for a unicorn, as many are, don’t be the hunting kind. Be the spoiling kind. Be unicorn ranchers.This book needed to exist. And Page Turner was just the nerd to make it happen.Here are some things the guide covers:• The steps you should take before opening up your relationship to make sure you’re on the same page• How to set a relationship agreement (including examples of actual relationship agreements)• The different kinds of polyamorous relationship structures and systems• Common pitfalls newly poly couples face and how to avoid them• The high-success method for dating poly people• Effective ways to manage jealousy and insecurity* Here it is on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077GKK98HFurther Reading:* A Geek’s Guide to Unicorn Ranching: Advice for Couples Seeking Another Partner, Page Turner (blog post on why the book was written) * “The Care and Feeding of Unicorns,” Polyamorous Misanthrope (guest post by cinema babe) * “To Unicorn Hunters, From an Ex-Unicorn,” Chelsey DaggerKeywords: podcast, kinkycast, page, turner, poly, unicorn, hunter, rancher, polyamory, polyamorist, pitfalls, success, book, blog
#220 - Tonya Jone Miller - Phone SexTonya Jone Miller is an actress and playwright from Portland, Oregon. Tonya likes to tell stories, usually of the naughty variety. She also teaches workshops and offer one-on-one and couple's coaching on talking dirty and role play.Meet Your Aural Courtesan ”What makes an extraordinary lover is not what is between a person’s legs, but rather what is between their ears.” ~Tonya"I live my life openly and freely. I am a creative performer and passionate provider of phone sex. For me, phone sex often transcends mere sexual gratification. Getting to share in the pleasure and relief of my callers and give them, even for a short amount of time, simple acceptance of who they are…It is an honor and a gift. Every day I learn more about myself and humankind through the genuine connections I make with people.”Links: http://tonyajonemiller.com/ http://threadstheplay.com http://tonyajonemiller.com/events/a-story-of-os http://facebook.com/tonyajonemiller http://twitter.com/tonyajonemiller https://www.instagram.com/tonyajonemiller/keywords: podcast, kinkycast, tonya, jone, miller, phone, sex, aural, courtesan, portland, coaching, talking, dirty, role, play, performer passionate, sexual, gratification
#221 - Autumn Orange - Geeking OutDo geek and kink go hand in hand? You better believe it! Listen in as Woody and the Beast talk with Autumn about some of their crazy adventures and experiences within the geek and kink communities and discuss just how well these communities blend together. Autumn has been a contributor to the KinkyCast with gems like: Special Edition - January 24, 2016 - Autumn Orange - International Person of Leather ContestantHave you heard of the International Person of Leather title? Are you curious to know more? Well, we have an exclusive interview with Autumn, the South East Person of Leather and a contestant for the International title. Listen in as the geeky brat makes us laugh, helps us to learn more about the title, and allows us to get an inside look at who they are. And:#177 - Humiliation & Degradation with Autumn Orange & Vin Glass This week Woody & the Beast are joined by, Autumn and Vin, to talk to us about the ins and outs of Humiliation and Degradation. They even give us a few tips about the subject. Listen in for a fun and enlightening podcast as these two Leatherfolk have a blast recounting their adventures all while educating us along the way. Recorded live at Frolicon 2017 in Atlanta.KeyWords: podcast, kinkycast, autumn, orange, kink, geek, geeking, out, experiences, leather, humiliation, degration, vin, glass, SELF.
#222 - Tori & Jeff of the Leather History Preservation FoundationThe Leather History Preservation Foundation was created to provide an accountable, transparent, fiscal entity for the ongoing production of events concentrating on recording and preserving the culture and traditions of the Leather adult alternative sexual sub-culture. OUR MISSIONTo preserve the practice and tradition of passing on the collective experiences and wisdom of the Leather community through the sharing of oral histories.To encourage the education and inclusion of the next generations of Leatherfolk to continue the practice and tradition of this sharing of oral history.>Preserve our traditions.>Share our experiences.>Encourage inclusion.>Educate ourselves.>Empower one another.>Promote acceptance.To educate and empower those who identify as belonging to the Leather community, those who are new or curious about the Leather community, and to encourage tolerance and acceptance across a broad range of alternative adult lifestyle choicesOUR VISIONEducating and empowering our Leather brothers and sisters, and others across a broad spectrum of adult alternative lifestyle choices, by understanding how our past has shaped our present, and how our present can shape the future.HOW WE WILL GET THEREBy presenting an annual conference that will bring experienced Leathermen and Leatherwomen together to share their experiences – their trials, triumphs, and tragedies, their feelings and opinions, to tell their personal stories - with those who are new to or curious about, the Leather lifestyle we have chosen to live, with Leatherfolk and other practitioners of alternative lifestyles that wish to learn more about living a Leather lifestyle.>By recording these oral histories for posterity.By making items of significant personal historical value, books, photographs, and recordings available for conference participants to experience with all their senses, to make these personal histories more immediate and real.Leather History Preservation Weekend is the ongoing mission of the Leather History Preservation Foundation to fulfill our vision of preserving and sharing our Leather History, our culture and our traditions. November 2 - 4, 2018LHPW will be a weekend of shared journeys, camaraderie and fellowship, with multiple presenters sharing their experiences. In the tradition of the best of Leather events, there will be cocktails, play time, vendors, networking and FUN!Our website is: http://lhpfoundation.org/The direct link to our weekend event http://lhpfoundation.org/lhpf_events/lhpf_weekend/index.htmlOur Fetlife grouphttps://fetlife.com/groups/152997Our event on Fetlifehttps://fetlife.com/events/603897Facebook pagehttps://www.facebook.com/lhpfoundation/Facebook group for the weekend eventhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1227658993947549/Tori is the Executive Director and can be reached at exec.director@LHPFoundation.orgDonate to LHPFDonations to Leather History Preservation Foundation are NOW tax deductible! Donations will be appreciated, and applied to our event production costs. LHPF, Inc. has IRS 501(c)3 recognition as a tax exempt public charity under regulation 509(a)(2).Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, leather, history, preservation, foundation, weekend, oral, lhpw, tori, jeff, fellowship, weatherman, letherwomen, leatherfolk, adult, alternative, sexuall, sub-culture.
#223 - Trinity - Author / EducatorTrinity (you can find her as writergirl on FetLife) is a writer and an editor of sometimes weird, sometimes mainstream, sometimes kinky shit. She holds a M.F.A. in Writing Popular Fiction and learned more in that program than she can comfortably fit in her head. Duct tape works nicely here. She has worked in the publishing industry for ten years, mostly behind the scenes as a developmental and content editor. Trinity still accepts select clients for freelance fiction editing. If you’re interested, please feel free to send her a message via the Contact Trin page. Additionally, given the opportunity, she will talk about writing and publishing for days. Trinity writes realistic kink! Trinity came up in the Atlanta BDSM scene in the mid-90s and has been an active kink and poly person for two decades. She’s traveled the nationally, from the Florida to Illinois, Louisiana to the Carolinas, teaching classes about kink and D/s. Her particular passions are protocol, ritual, and rope, which readers will see reflected in her work. And, of course, hot sex! In 2008, Trinity entered the publishing industry as an editor at an erotic romance publisher. She’s taught writing classes at numerous conventions and private writing events, and she edits freelance for many genres — romance to horror. She thrives on helping other writers improve their craft. Now, Trinity combines her two obsess—err…passions by writing hot, sexy kink stories! It’s important to her that her work resonates especially with those who know and understand the kink and poly lifestyles. If it’s accurate to those who “get it,” then it will be most helpful for those just learning it. That’s not to say Trinity won’t write stories without BDSM. Variety is what makes life spicy! But you can count on her to bring you great, realistic kink. You can follow Trinity on Twitter: @Trinity_writes and even catch her live on Periscope:@Trinity_Writes.Here are her relevant links:Books: http://www.trinitywrites.com/books/ Website: http://www.trinitywrites.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Trinity_Writes Fetlife (with a table of contents for writings): https://fetlife.com/users/46422 Patron: https://www.patreon.com/Trinity_WritesKeywords: podcast, kinkycast, trinity, author, educator, writes, writer, editor, kink, beds, sex, sexy, atlanta, publishing, D/s.
#224 - Shakir Rashaan - Samois Prolific author Shakir Rashaan is back with his latest novel. In his new book “Samois” the story is told from Neferterri’s point of view. She's taken control of the NEBU compound and set up a Female Dominant controlled fantasy weekend. During the weekend, those who have male submissives signed off on a stipulation that they would temporarily release their property to be of service to the Dominant who wins them in a silent slave auction. During that weekend, a few of the Female Dominants with other agendas threaten to disrupt the debauchery of the weekend. This is the fourth installment of the Nubian Underworld series, with two more to go before closing out the series. Reenter the Nubian Underworld! SAMOIS is now available, get your copy at www.ShakirRashaan.com! The KinkyCast is holding a raffle at Frolicon for a couple spacial people to receive autographed copies of “Samois”!Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, shakir, rashnaan, samois, book, author, email, dominant, novel, nubian, underworld.
#225 - Laura Coleman PhD - Life CoachingLaura Bradford Coleman, Ph.D. Is a Board Certified Coach, National Certified Counselor, Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor. Her emphasis is on walking your journey with you as you work toward realizing your dreams, hopes, wishes, and goals. Laura believe’s in your power to find your own answers. As a coach, she understands that you’re not broken and do not need an authority figure to fix you. Instead, you can find your own personal power and direction in your life. She works with adults, children, and couples in my Murfreesboro office, online with video conferencing, and on the telephone.Link: https://colemanlifecoaching.com/Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, laura, coleman, phd, life, coach, coaching, counselor, mental, health
#226 - Whips & Chains - Listener requested Dungeon implements tourThis week Woody & the Beast gives an alphabetical tour of implements and kinks found in your local dungeon. This is an hour long visit into many of the user requested glossary of kink. The show logo, depicts some of the discussed items and to see more with labels, click here. Each of the hosts have been in the scene for 25 years and have seen most all of the terms used and have their own experience in public and private play. Each new item starts with a tone, so, happy listening.Reference Links:> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_BDSM > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:BDSM_terminology > https://bdsmfordummies.wordpress.com/the-kink-dictionary-glossary-of-bdsm-terms/ >http://rekink.com/guides/kinks/ >http://lgbt.wikia.com/wiki/Glossary_of_BDSMKeywords: podcast, kinkycast, bdsm, kink, glossary, whips, chains, dungeon, tour, implements, experience, play.
#227 - Seven on Sex at WorkThis week Woody & the Beast found a very interesting young lady that has experienced something we all have wanted to do. Meet Seven, a young professional who has been exploring the world of kink for 9 years. With a busy work schedule and an uncompromising sexual appetite, Seven started doing what a lot of us have thought about but most of us wouldn't dare to do. While the risk is a thrill she is always careful to make sure everything is scheduled and her partners know the rules of office playtime. Given the circumstances, she strives to perfect her techniques to get and give maximum satisfaction in the shortest amount of time. The risk, exhibitionism, and the urgency of it all make for an explosive experience every time.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/5210706Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, sex, at, work, seven, vulgar, beauty, york, uncompromising, kink, oral, blow, job, satisfaction.
#228 - KneelingWaiting - Meat & Potatoes D/sThis week the Beast welcome KneelingWaiting. Here’s what triggered this recording, in her own words:——————————————————————————————————————————————When I first started in D/s, it felt like a missing piece of my soul had finally fallen into place. I felt for the first time like someone validated every desire I’d ever had. And then there were the rules! Such titillating, filthy rules…But something was missing. I couldn’t understand what it was. I was in a 24/7 dynamic with the rules and structure I craved. And I could feel his ownership in every moment, through my dripping arousal. Edging in the bathroom at work, wearing a plug on appointed days, using my body when he wanted in whatever way he desired. And this was a man that I loved deeply and had a long history with. But still, the dynamic didn’t sate me the way I had imagined.I didn’t realize what was missing until much later, when I found that bone-deep fulfillment in another D/s relationship. I had wondered if maybe I was wrong about my need for submission and power exchange—if maybe it was just another kinky thing I liked. But what I realized is that you can have 24/7 D/s with someone you love and still get D/s wrong. The difference is in how you structure it and where you put your focus.Now that I’ve learned what fulfills me, I’ve come to see power exchange relationships as falling into two groups. I call them cotton candy D/s and meat-and-potatoes D/s. My first D/s was cotton candy. It was sexy, happy fluff. It was exactly how I wanted to submit, and it was so easy to get lost in it. But it couldn’t sustain me. The thing about cotton candy is that it tastes great when you’re eating it, and 5 minutes later you’re starving again.Then there’s meat and potatoes. Meat and potatoes don’t bring the sugar rush that cotton candy does, but they sustain you so much longer. Meat-and-potatoes dynamics weave the power exchange into every part of the relationship. They are dynamics you can still feel when you’re doing the laundry or watching a movie together or focused at work. They do have candy. And holy wow, it is the best candy. But that’s not the core of it.Meat-and-potatoes dynamics are about fulfilling needs, not wants. They are about each partner taking seriously their responsibilities to one another and to the dynamic. Permission for an orgasm may be denied, not in favor of edging multiple times but in favor of completing an important work/school/home project. Instructions to wear nipple clamps under clothes are traded in for instructions to schedule that damn optometrist appointment OR ELSE. A ritual about being stripped and cuffed may not lead to face fucking and hard use, but to quiet snuggles at the end of a long day.When you build your dynamic on need fulfillment instead of wish fulfillment, it takes you down a much different path of communication. It guides Dominants to understand why their submissives make certain requests. It helps them find what their submissives genuinely need, not just what they say they need. And it helps submissives to anticipate their Dominants’ needs, even if that need is a night to themselves. These dynamics don’t rely on exciting sexual tasks to keep the ownership connection alive, because that connection flows through every interaction. Meat and potatoes may not have that jolt of excitement in every moment, but it leads to a power exchange that is much more sustainable and healthy.I thought rules and tasks would sate my deep hunger for power exchange. But the substance matters. My first D/s felt unfulfilling, but it wasn’t the D/s itself. It was the way we built it. And once I found a dynamic that gave me bone-deep fulfillment, I wasn’t starving anymore.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/5620589Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kneeling waiting, kneeling waiting, meat, potato, potatoes, d/s, writing. fetlife, fulfillment. submissive, dominance, communication, 24/7, soul, arousal.
#229 - Chanee - Inclusivity: Where Are All The Black People? (Recorded live at Frolicon)Most gatherings of polyamorous and kinky people are very white, upper middle class, homogeneous affairs. Black people and other POC often feel left out and unwelcome in larger gatherings within our community. In this class, we'll discuss WHY this separation happens, and have an open forum discussion on what we can do to create inclusive environments. How can community leaders craft events to appeal to a more diverse crowd? Being your questions, no matter how "un-PC" they may be, and we'll discuss them. Everyone is invited and welcomed to open up a conversation about diversity and inclusiveness within our community.Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, chanee, frolicon, inclusivity, black, people, poc, separation, kinky, polyamorous, white, class, community
#230 - Frolicon - Wrap UpThis week Woody, Leigh and Nurse Ratched tell of their trip to Frolicon in Atlanta. With an attendance of over 2000 kinksters, gamers, furries, littles and polyamorousists, fun was had by all. We took our Nurse Ratched to the virgin sacrifice and enjoyed her getting sacrificed! We had the KinkyCast table in the ‘fan’ area and greeted many new and longtime listeners. Shakir Rahsaan and Page Turner offered collectors item “proofs” of their new books to raffle to those that visited the table. Most of all we recorded sessions and booked guests for upcoming shows. Check out what we were up to and get a preview into coming shows on the KinkyCast!Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, frolicon, warp, up, woody, leigh, nurse, ratched

#231 A - Autumn Orange Double Feature - EdgingThis class has everything you ever wanted to know about edging, orgasm denial, orgasm control, and forced orgasms. Learn the how, the why, the training, and the uses. It also shows how it can fit into various dynamics and the long term effects that it can have. So, if denial is up your alley, come and learn all about the various ways you can tell someone no!Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, edging, cum, wait, denial, orgasm, control, forced, negotiate, play, principles, demo#231 B - Autumn Orange Double Feature - Humiliation & DegradationFear. Shame. Humiliation. These are things we avoid. They make us uncomfortable. We actively try to push them to the side. What if we didn’t avoid them? What if we embraced them instead? This class will teach you how to explore, negotiate, play with, and embrace the things we try to hide from. So, come, hear about the basics, learn what you can, and then watch as those same principles are brought to life in a fun and completely humiliating demonstration.Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, humiliation, degradation, negotiate, play, principles, demoBoth Recorded Live at Frolicon
#232 - FireChild - Anal 101It’s dirty. It’s raunchy. It’s fun. We all love the booty, but how much do we really know about it? We’ll be talking about everything you do, and don’t, want to know about anal sex. This class will cover stretching, lubricants, cleaning, adapting, training, toys, medical information, enemas, and so much more. You’ll walk away from this class knowing more about the booty than you ever thought possible.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/320595Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, anal, firechild, 101, frolicon, booty, sex, stretching, lubricants, cleaning.
#233 - Traveling Fool - Violet WandsCome learn in this hands on talk/demonstration what a Violet Wand is, and why you might like it. Is there a reason for you to be scared? Come to this session and see how you might change your mind. You’re invited to watch and learn as many different ways to use a violet wand are demonstrated. Listeners will hear the sensuous side, the pain side, and much, much more! In this class, Traveling Fool/Jay will teach a section, do a demonstration. Traveling Fool/Jay will be your guide and help you have some hands on fun. For those who have wands just sitting in the closet, and want to learn more, please bring them. Don’t have a wand? That’s okay! He’ll share his toys and you can become part of the fun too! He’ll even talk about what, and what not to buy, when getting a wand.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/366104Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, frolicon, traveling, travelingfool, fool, violet, wand, class, demonstration, jay.
#234 - Lady Steele - No Collar - No ProblemWhat happens when an s-type (submissive, slave, or any other “right sider”) has no owner? Many have speculated that you cannot be a slave without having an Owner, or be a submissive without a Dominant. Is this true? Where does this philosophy come from? Join Lady Steele as she shares her very personal journey as an unowned slave and shows how she has educated and enriched herself so that she will be ready for her next power exchange relationship. She will cover how to stay engaged as a slave with the community, with yourself, and how to play with others as a slave without a collar.About the presenter:Lady Steele has been publicly in the Leather community since 1999, but she has been kinky for her whole life. She has presented across the U.S. She currently resides in Atlanta where she operates her law practice that serves alternative lifestyles. Lady Steele held the position of Social Coordinator for NLA – Atlanta during its last incarnation in Atlanta. She is the head of the Center of Learning and School of Success (C.L.A.S.S.) and the Worthless Bastards (Cigar) Club (W.B.C. – Atlanta). She is also the co-lead of The Leather Coterie’s Atlanta Chapter (T.L.C.). She continues to give back to the community as the Fundraising Coordinator for the Southeast Leather Fest (SELF) and Board Support for the Leather Leadership Conference. When she is not presenting in person, Lady Steele shares her knowledge through her BlogTalk radio program, “The Legal Show,” which she co-hosts with renowned Sci-Fi author Bennet Pomerantz. She has appeared three times on the KinkyCast as well as once on the Poly Podcast, where she again spoke about Poly and the Law.KeyWords: podcast, kinkycast, lady, steele, collar, problem, relationship, owner, power, exchange, kinky, law, atlanta
#235 - Alicia Love - BloodIsLove2MeIn Alicia’s own words:"First, I am a masochist. Pain allows me a release that can't be found any other way. I have this profile mainly to share my pain pictures. The marks, and blood, are my favorite fetishes.The images are meant to be scary, yet beautiful. It's been fun just creating my own personal style. I have always wanted to share my love for pain, and the beauty of it, with everyone here.” "The images on my profile are of beauty, and our bond. Many people here have embraced the positive side of it, and the support for us has been amazing. I ask that you friend me, so we can continue to show the world how glorious all of our fetishes can be. Authorities may try to silence us. But we are all so powerful, even in silence.”Link: https://fetlife.com/users/2867590Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, Alicia, love, blood, pain, exhibitionest, marks, scary, style, beauty, positive, amazing, silence.
#236 - HousewifeNHeat - BBC Cuckold Relationship in Middle AmericaHousewifenheat has been on the forefront of interracial sex (Black men/white women) for over 20 years. She currently resides in Dayton, Ohio, where she focuses on meeting Black men with the goal of giving them the ride of their lives. One of the very early members of Fetlife, she has started many interracial groups there, and owns the largest exclusively Black man/white woman group on Fetlife. A model who has done pinup, boudoir, and porn modeling for over 20 years, she has been featured in magazines, calendars, posters, and was voted 2014 Queen of Spades of the Year by Queen of Spades Magazine, as well as being featured as the March 2016 Queen of Spades of the month by Spades Magazine. She has been having sex with men outside her marriage for over 25 years. She is a former U. S. Army Soldier, and an Army wife, who has been awarded the both Dr. Mary E. Walker award and the Molly Pitcher award. Though married, she has had three long term relationships with Black men in the last decade. A bisexual woman married to a trans woman, Housewifenheat has been active in her local community by attending pride festivals and advocating for trans people. She is a trained chef, giving back to her local community by headlining an ongoing community meal that welcomes hundreds of people at each meal, as well as working to perfect amazing gluten free baked goods for those people who must follow a gluten free diet. Housewifenheat is active on multiple websites, encouraging other white women to turn to Black men, and has been instrumental in helping numerous white wives go Black only. She is proud of the many white women who have seen their lives change for the better as a result.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/3551464Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, bbc, housewife, cuckold, cuck, housewifenheat, queen, black, model, chef, army, trans, pride.
#237 - Terra4U - Blow Jobs Are Blow Jobs, Except When They're NotBLOW JOB. Oral sex. Lip service. Facefucking. Throatfucking. Cocksucking. Oral fixation. Whatever you choose to call it, I love to do it. Morning, noon, and night – I LOVE using my mouth to please a Dom. Sloppy, rough, deep, punishing, restrained, head-off-the-bed, on my knees, laying down, bent over, slow and sensuous while watching some hockey. . . yes. In every room of the house, the park, the car, beach, snow, parking lots. . . more yes. It actually rises to a level of need sometimes, barely tampered down when it’s just not possible to get that chosen person in my mouth.Now let me tell you why I enjoy it so much. . .POWER EXCHANGE. There’s just no polite way of saying it - I absolutely crave the power exchange that happens when I suck my Dom’s cock. It’s about feeling in my place, that relief and simultaneous buzz that comes from giving up control or having it taken from me by a trusted partner. At least for me, power exchange is the root of most of my kinks.Laid out on your bed with my head tipped over the edge, wearing nothing but your collar, wrists cuffed behind my arched back – consensually powerless to stop you from sliding down my throat over and over and over again. You choose how deep, how fast, how dirty to make me feel, where to cum, and when enough is enough. I wear mascara so you can see the evidence of your work on my cheeks. My legs stay spread on command so if you want to lean over and add pain to the mix, I’ll gladly endure for my Sir. In every area of my life I choose, but it those moments, the only choice I make is you.I breathe when he decides I should. . .I swallow and wear his cum if he lets me. . .I gag, choke, and ache like he wants me to. . .I trust him not to damage me. . .I beg him to use me. . .I thank him EVERY SINGLE TIME. . .Blow jobs are blow jobs, except when they’re not.~~Terra4ULinks: https://fetlife.com/users/334938Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, blow, job, bj, Oral sex, Lip service, Facefucking, Throatfucking, Cocksucking, Oral fixation, power exchange, partner.
#238 - P0isonIvey - Therapy and Discovery in the ScenePosionIvey has been working to create a safe space for people to discuss their mental/emotional conditions without fear of judgement for a little over two years now. Being diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder, she has had to work hard to smash the stigma that many automatically associate with it. Her brother’s suicide, due to misunderstood and untreated diagnoses as well as negligence from the hospital system, has only fueled the fire to encourage others to speak out and seek help for their mental disorders, disabilities, or circumstances. She works hard to encourage open conversation and provide people with the resources and community available to help them live a judgement free, joy-filled, kinky life. Currently residing in Fort Worth, Texas, Ivey spends her time teaching BDSM as a Top and bottom (most recently at Beyond Vanilla), attending local kink events, balancing an array of the most amazing partners in the world, and working a full time vanilla job.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/2099201Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, poisonivey, p0isonivey, therapy, discovery, scene, safe, space, mental, emotional, depressive, disorder, misunderstood, diagnoses, negligence, circumstance.
#239 - Katt on ChastityJoin Katt on a journey through chastity in mental and physical forms. We go back to Roman times to try to understand the origins of chastity devices.About Katt…I have been in the BDSM world off & on for over 10 years. I started out as a bottom/submissive but quickly discovered my dominant & primal personality would not allow me to fill those shoes. One of my biggest passions within life is education. Luckily, I have been able to travel the world & share that passion on a wide array of both BDSM & mundane topics. Within the BDSM world I am a dominant/alpha primal, sadist, who will sometimes bottom for catharsis more or less. Impact play, needles, edge play, & mind fucks run at the top of my list of interest. In the mundane world I am a southern bell at heart who is most happy outdoors in nature when I’m not stuck sitting behind a desk working to obtain my Masters in Psychology (did I mention I enjoy mind fucks?) I began my journey with chastity early on in my BDSM education. It is something I have enjoied with my LTR/bonded partners ever since. The power exchange, intimacy, trust, loyality, & mentality of this type of play excites me almost as much as breathing. I hope that each of you listening enjoy & remember have fun but stay safe. _KattLink: https://fetlife.com/users/936544Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, katt, primal, chastity, bdsm, dominent, psychology, origin, devices.
#240 - Jay E. Moyes - Public Relations to the Kinky StarsI'm an artist, and when I was in college, I met two Dominatrixes that drew me into the BDSM scene of the San Francisco Bay Area. I released several calendars of my Femdom art, and moved to Los Angeles to be with a new lover.In 1999, I was recruited to work at Adult Video News and worked in the art department. My job there was to gather artwork to go with news stories and press releases running in the magazine. This put me directly in touch with publicists in the adult industry.In 2003, I was introduced to my partner Sherry. She had worked in radio and did publicity for bands. We opened a publicity firm called Black and Blue Media. Our firm catered to the adult industry and worked with the adult press. Our clients have included Skye Blue, Bondage Ball, Fetish Nation, New York Rubber Ball, and Michael Ninn.We took a big hit with the stock market crash. Adult is not as recession-proof as people believe. By 2013, I had begun to stabilize and realized the time was right to get more serious about my fetish artwork.I had always wanted my artwork to do well, but did not understand the art scene. So this was the time to learn more professionally about art. I started attending modeling workshops, supporting the Tom Of Finland Foundation, and getting out to more bondage classes to understand rope work for my drawings.My website got re-branded to FetishArtist.net, and the project was a test bed for developing marketing techniques. Mistress Cyan and I have known each other going back to the AVN days. We talked shop early on as she turned Passive Arts into Sanctuary Studios LAX. I began helping with stuff for the dungeon, and began doing press releases for the DomCon franchises. Mistress Cyan is now my official client and we work together on a variety of projects including Sanctuary Studios LAX and Inland Empire, Lair at AVN, and DomCon Los Angeles and New Orleans.We’re currently gearing up for DomCon New Orleans, which will be October 4-7.Links: https://blackandbluemedia.com/wp/ ——and—— http://fetish-artist.com/Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, jay, moyes, jay moyes, van, beds, adult, domcom, sanctuary, la, nola.
#241 - 2MDs & A Microphone - Rash Decisions - Recorded Live at FroliconDoctor D and Doctor Peggy Sue are back for another round of the intersection of kink and actual medicine know-how sprinkled with improv comedy, sarcasm, double entendres and disturbing photographs taken with our night vision cameras in the dark room that will have you laughing and itching all at the same time. If you haven't been to our panel yet, where the fuck have you been? If you want to get a good idea what we are like, listen to one of our podcasts from a few years ago. I've never actually listened to it, but I hear it's pretty good. I don't actually hear that it's pretty good, because that would involve listening to it, but people have told me so. You get it right? This year is funnier than the other ones, and that we are two doctors in the scene that love to answer the ungoogleable medical questions they might not be able to ask their doctors about and providing good advice how to deal with vanilla doctors. If you want to wank it in front of strangers, then masturbation party is probably where you should do that, but as long as it doesn't distract from the class, honestly I don't care, I just want you do come to this panel. And by come I don’t mean cum, unless you do, which is totally cool too.— Links: Previous "2 MD & a Mic” Episodes: #75 The First - #105 STI Alphabet Soup - #171 The third round of the Q&A wild ride.Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, dr dan, dr peggy sue, rash. decisions, comedy, medical, Q&A
#242 - Poly101 - Recorded Live at FroliconWelcome beginners, old-hats, onlookers and those who are curious. 4X4, KianteWench, German and Aria lead this Q&A discussion on Polyamory and its many forms in a basic and straightforward way with the key goal of educating and enabling people who want to start or enhance their Ethical non-monogamy journey. The hosts can be reached via Fetlife.keywords: podcast, kinkycast, frolicon, poly, 101, polyamory, polyamorous, discussion, ethical, non-monogamy.
#243 - Scarlett Ross - Money & PolyScarlett is a writer, teacher and wild woman with 20+ years in polyamory – which is good since she is a poly educator and works with individuals, groups and non-profits to improve the world around us. Scarlett walks in the polyamorous world through thick and thin with her family of the heart including adults, children, cats, dogs, horses and many variations in relationship structure. She is a passionate teacher hoping to find love, friendship and insight through careful consideration, continuous exploration and just the right question at the right time.Money & Poly Sex & money don’t mix, or do they? How you think about money and relationships impacts how your relationships grow and intertwine. It’s just as important that we consent to our money relationships as we consent to our romantic / sexual / kinky relationships. When do you speak up about how you relate to money? The negotiation skills we learn in our communities can come in handy when you’re dealing with money. A healthy relationship with money starts with your own wallet, expressing expectations and limits, and what to do when things go awry. Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, poly, relationships, scarlett, money, polyamorous, intertwine, expectations, sex, sexual, dealing, healthy, wallet
#244 - Race Bannon - Gay Rights IconRace: I’ve been active in the Leather scene since 1973. Initially, apart from being a bartender in a sleazy kinky bar, I was essentially a lone maverick player. Then around 1980 I got deeply involved with various clubs, organizations and projects that changed that lone wolf status. Since then I’ve been an organizer, writer, educator, speaker and activist in the LGBT, leather/kink, polyamory and HIV/STI prevention realms. I’ve authored a well-known BDSM book, been published extensively, spoken to hundreds of audiences, created the world’s largest kink-friendly psychotherapist and medical referral service (Kink Aware Professionals), was a leader of The DSM Project that led to a beneficial change in the way psychotherapy views BDSM, founded a groundbreaking alternative sexuality publishing company (Daedalus Publishing Company), been an internet radio sex talk show host, received national and local awards, appeared in numerous documentaries, and currently am the Leather/kink columnist for the Bay Area Reporter http://www.ebar.comwww.ebar.com Here is a project I worked on: www.divinedeviance.com I also have a blog at: http://www.bannon.com and there’s more information about me there for those who might be interested.Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, race, bannon, gay, rights, advocate, icon, maverick, leather, kink, lgbt, author, bdsm
#Special Edition - Me Too & MoreIt may be in the news, but how does it affect you? More people than you could imagine have been sexually attacked. Guest Host, Miss_Tress visits with Doc Cinnamon to layout how personal an attack can be. These two well informed women give you a political view for current news in the Me Too movement. This is an important special edition that will make everyone that listens, rethink their own past. Links: MeToo https://www.vote.org/Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, me too, miss_tress, cinnamon, political, view, special edition, movement, attack
#245 - AngelKnightXXX - Pain StarHi there I’m Angelknightxxx on fetlife and angelic_knight on IG. Feel free to send me a message and check out my portfolio. I have been modeling for 2 years and enjoy it very much. I have collaborated with some talented individuals and I know just how blessed I am. I have been in the lifestyle for about 5 years now and have been more active in the last year. I am a bonafide pain slut and rope enthusiast. Whips are my friend as well as canes. I enjoy the art of Kinbaku and Semenawa as its torture in rope with beautiful suffering. I had the privilege and honor to presenting perform at ACE Rope Weekend in Columbus in September 2018. When it comes to my masochism I like to go down the rabbit hole with those sadist I trust 110%. I feed their sadism with all that I have. Pain is cathartic for me and allows me to get out of my head while giving me a reset. It’s freeing especially when combined with degradation and humiliation. I believe all women are beautiful regardless of shape and size and we should support one another rather tear each other down especially within the kink community. Be kind, show compassion and walk with integrity.Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, angel knight, angelknightxxx, pain, star, rope, modeling, ohio, cathartic, degradation, humiliation, kink, video, compassion
#246 - For Fucks Sake - The Dirty Nasty Things I Do!Tonight I had sex with two men. I was tied up, spanked, humiliated, degraded. My tits were bruised, my face was smacked. I have marks on my ass and thighs. Every hole I have that could accommodate a cock was used. I came over and over, until I lost count. My cum soaked the sheets. My body still aches from the use and abuse.This is an example of the dirty, nasty things I do. I top. I bottom. I like cock. I like pussy. I enjoy pain. I enjoy giving pain to others. I love sex, I love BDSM and I have a drive that any 18 year old male would be proud of.But sometimes, sometimes like tonight, the sex is over and I am sated. I am surrounded by two men who adore me. And I can hear the voices from my childhood and they are whispering, "Slut. Whore." Years later, and hundreds of miles away, I can still hear the whispers of members of my childhood church. . .hear the sound of my mother's voice hissing those hateful words at me.I don't judge anyone else by what they do in their bedroom with other consenting adults. And if anyone else made judgmental comments in my direction, I would tell them where to go and how to get there. But sometimes, I judge myself. I call myself the names my mother called me after she discovered I was sexually active. I call myself the mean names other girls in the high school called me. I judge me.I forget that the dirty nasty things I do are just that...the dirty, nasty things I do. They don't erase my intellect or my heart. They don’t make me less of a person.I am a wife and a mother. I am a good friend. I'm smart and I'm funny and I'm pretty damned loving. This morning I made snack baggies and fruit bowls for my family. This afternoon I hit the local warehouse store. And tonight I did the dirty, nasty things I do. And that is o-fucking-kay.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/3477009Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, forfuckssake, dirty, nasty, beds, poly, threesome, consenting, sex
#247 - Ascending Phoenix - AuthorAscendingPhoenix is a certified hypnotherapist, a Master NLP practitioner, and a Master Shaman. After beginning his kink adventures in Atlanta in 2002, kink has became a core part of his life. He has been involved in erotic hypnosis since 2007, and has been active teaching in the kink community since 2010. His presentations tend to cover the mental and emotional aspects of BDSM, usually including an emphasis on healing and headspace. In the past, he has presented for Houston’s EROS, Austin’s Voyagers, Dallas’s NEAAL, Austin’s Texas Trancegressives, Houston’s SAF, clubFEM Austin, Element, the Fetish Flea Fair, San Antonio’s Andromeda, Houston’s Kiddie Pool, Austin’s Underground, Austin’s Kinky Yule, Austin’s GWNN, and Austin’s FreakShow.Nationally, he has been featured in TAG magazine, appeared on the Spicey Buzz possecast, and presented classes at NEEHU. In his vanilla life, he has an NLP practice and specializes in helping people recover from deep psychological trauma. For non kink-fun, he geeks out to board games, science fiction, and music with a gothic edge.Links: https://fetlife.com/users/5100872Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, ascending, phoenix, hypnotherapist, NLP, practitioner, Master, Shaman, Austin, Houston, tag
#248 - Rope Tiger Daddy - Pushing LimitsThis week we explore Pushing Limits, the good, the bad and the ugly! Our guest is Ropetigerdaddy is a frequent writer on Fetlife as well as the author of several books with the intent of helping guide new people to the lifestyle. He lives in the rural midwest on a small farm with his babygirl.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/7705653Keywords: podcast, kinky cast, rope, tiger, daddy, pushing, push, limit, Limits, Ropetigerdaddy, author, babygirl
#249 - Novectaner - Machine ExtraordinaireI do the things they say shouldn't be done. Whether it's hangings or crucifixions, it is not for the faint of heart. I do tend to enjoy play that involves a bit of an edge. Some of the pics are from ideas I and/or one of those wonderful playmates had in mind. I like playing with a wide variety of styles and interests. Yes the pics show mostly the more edgy stuff (that's what catches people's eye), but that doesn't mean I won't equally enjoy what a new playmate wants to try. Maybe I have inadvertently scared off a few prospective folks when they see some of the pics. The one thing they fail to see is those extreme scenes are done with people I have played with, usually, for years. A first play, like a first kiss can be equally rewarding with its potential for exploration and revelation. I guess that's the teacher in me.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/57385Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, novectaner, fuck, fucking, machine, hanging, crucifixion, edgy, edge, exploration, teacher
#250 - The Ferrett - Dealing With Angry Comments (Go to the bottom of this page to hear the podcast)"How Do You Deal With All These Angry Comments?” Fetlife Journal Entry by: The Ferrett"I just saw your latest entry," goes the text. "Holy shit, how do you deal with all of these idiots leaving snarky comments?"So I thought I'd share my official Tips For Handling FetLife Comment-Storms:Tip #1: Be A Dude. As with so many other things in Western culture, if you can manage to be a dude, and preferably perceived as a cis one, then your comments will immediately become 70% easier to deal with. People sure do love hammering on women on the Internet, so if you're perceived as a girl, you'll have some more work to do.Now. This isn't to say that you'll receive no comments as a duderino. In fact, I can hear the menfolks saying, "MEN HAVE IT SO MUCH HARDER ON THE INTERNET! I MYSELF - "Which is kinda part of the problem. Men have it so easy, they don't understand how easy they have it. It's kinda like birth control; women have been dealing with toxic side effects of the Pill and IUDs and other methods for years, and it's just considered something women should deal with. But when they finally devised a chemical pill that temporarily shut down men's ability to impregnate a woman, the side effects were considered too horrendous to inflict upon a guy.We just sort of expect that a) women will deal with pain, and b) that men won't pay enough attention to realize how inconvenienced women are. And so it goes with the Internet.Now, that's not to say that men will receive no pushback! I mean, I clearly do. And if you've not received angry commenters descending into your feed to call you names, well, it can be Not Fun. And if you have a middlingly large audience, like FetLife can provide at its top tiers, that pileup can be significant.But honestly? Compare the vitriol I get to any equally angry woman of my audience, and I get less.So if you can, be a dude. It helps.Tip #2: Have Assholes Shatter Your Give-A-Shit Meter In High School.*Again, this is difficult to achieve, and I tell the full tale here, but the short version is this:When I was an awkward virgin in high school, I continually got mocked by jocks because I clearly had never, and would never, gotten with a girl. They'd notice me talking to any girl I had a slight attraction on and hammer down on that.Then one day, I got blackout drunk and a girl made out with me! This was not, happily, sexual assault, but something I deeply desired - and in my drunkenness, I consented to having her put twenty-something hickies on my neck. Which I didn't notice until I got to school.But hey, I thought, those jocks will finally respect me! They thought I'd never kiss a girl! And clearly I did! So the hickies would be the sign where they gave me high-fives and congratulated -Nope. Now they'd decided to mock me for other reasons.And I realized: there was no way to win the respect of bullies. If you jumped through every hoop they gave you, they'd just give you new hoops.And so I stopped trying to impress people who I didn't want to impress. I started working on impressing people I genuinely liked - not the sniggering buffoons who'd gang up on an insecure kid.The ultimate effect of that is that I really don't give a shit about the opinion of someone I don't respect. If their page is covered with anti-SJW rants, I mean, clearly we don't see eye-to-eye, so if they're all like, "This essay was dumb," then we obviously didn't have a lot to talk about anyway.Much like being born a male, I'm not entirely sure how you have your give-a-shit meter broken, but if you can manage it I highly recommend it.Tip #3: You Will Never Get Universal Love.You know Shakespeare? Greatest writer in all of history, right? Mandated teaching in every class, invented a billion words, has immortal dramas. He polls about as well as any writer can poll.And there are English scholars, infamously well-read and erudite ones, who think Shakespeare is a talentless hack. Why can't we read Marlowe or Beaumont instead?Point is, complaints are inevitable. And you'll see people breaking down because they had twenty-five nice comments and the twenty-sixth is critical, and they react like they were owed universal acclaim for writing about poontang.The only way you will ever have universally positive responses is to have a small audience. The larger your readership gets, the more likely it is that you'll have a crew of folks who hated what you said.And yet you see folks destroying themselves, editing comments, breaking down because someone doesn't find their words palatable. But you can't be to everyone's tastes, and even if you were, you'd be selling out.I get lots of angry comments. I only get worried when the people I respect get angry at me. As for everyone else, I go, "Is this the sort of person I was writing this essay for in the first place?"If they aren't, then I shrug. I didn't write it for them. They didn't like it.So it goes.Tip #4: It's The Words, Not You.Language is an imperfect telepathy. It is trivially easy to write something that says the opposite of what you meant to say.And when you screw up and write words that people misinterpret, that's not their fault.It's yours.You said the wrong thing.One of the reason I'm good at writing essays is that, through years of falling flat on my face, I have a reasonably good database as to "things people will get confused about." I know that if I write an essay about bad breakups that has an example of a man saying shitty things to a female, I'll inadvertently give people the impression that I only think men can do shitty things in a relationship - so I take the time to correct that. I know that if I write about men not having it as hard as women do when it comes to Internet abuse, some men will be unable to make the distinction between "Women have it harder" and "Men encounter no problems whatsoever," so I head that off at the pass.Basically, a lot of angry comments boil down to "I MISREAD THIS THING YOU WROTE AND I AM VERY MAD ABOUT MY MISINTERPRETATION."If the person seems reasonably intelligent, then I probably screwed up and I either edit the essay, or clarify in the comments, or write a follow-up essay. Or, you know, just apologize for flubbing things.If the person seems pretty dense or biased, and I feel I was clear enough, well, go back to the ol' "Is this a person whose opinion I care about?" rule. Generally I don't. Foam on, clueless person.Tip #5: ...Sometimes It's You, Though.Sometimes, however, you're perfectly clear and yet people you respect are getting mad at you for things you believe in.Maybe you're being inadvertently shitty.Look, it's impossible to write consistently about your own experience without stepping in it. I've said really dumb sexist things, really ignorant things about queer people, hurt my trans friends with asshole statements.It sucks, but sometimes you learn about substandard behavior by stepping on toes.And when that happens, you gotta listen, and maybe apologize.And like I said: it's about the people you respect. If a horde of Joe Blows come in out of nowhere to harangue you, well, maybe you just got linked to by someone with a big audience. But if people who seem thoughtful and compassionate are telling you that you're not thinking properly...Don't respond right away. Take some time to consider your stance. And if you decide to keep that stance, do it thoughtfully.My thoughts have evolved a lot over the last twenty years because I've had a lot of good people who'll call me on my shit. That's painful. But it leads to positive growth, assuming you don't double down and assume that everyone who disagrees with you must be An Enemy.Which leads to the next tip:Tip #6: What People Assume About You Is What They'd Do If They Thought They Could Get Away With It.A lot of commentors assume that I will write on any topic that gets a billion hits, and accuse me of selling out for The Fame. Others assume that I'm writing because women will fuck you if you write the right words.That sort of shit can feel really personal. They don't know you! You wanna go refute them.But you know what?These are sad people who would gladly sell themselves out for the fame, if they only knew what to write about. When they say, "You're just writing to get laid," what they're generally saying is, "I wish I could write to get laid, but I can't."(That's usually laid over by a big ol' sour grapes relish of "I wouldn't sell out like YOU did," but honestly, they're generally not that good a writer.)Everywhere in the comments you'll find dim people trying to put you down because they're convinced that the only way to be smart is to insult other people. You'll find folks who believe SJWs are evil and unreachable because THEY'RE unreachable.You can do it with compassion, or with schadenfreude - but if you extrapolate what these people so desperately need to believe from the comments they leave, you'll often find they're desperately trying to fill a need in their lives.And for me, anyway, when I see someone fronting so hard, I generally don't feel bad. They're not insulting me, not really - they're desperately trying to patch up some fatal flaw in their own lives by engaging in this asshole way, and hey, buddy, you do you.Which brings me to my last tip:Tip #7: Every Side Has Their Assholes.One of the things that drives me nuts about the SJW/conservative dialogue is that both sides, somehow, believe that their side never overreaches. I keep stumbling across anti-SJW screeds that seem to imply that only SJWs dogpile on folks, and only SJWs call names, and I've been here for eight years being called all sorts of names - often by the folks crying that their side is flawless.Look. Both the SJW and the anti-SJW folks have folks who'll go malicious at the drop of a hat.And that dropped hat is not a good look.So what that means is, the block button is your friend. Don't wall out everyone who disagrees, but there are people who are gonna do their best to make your damn life miserable. Again, if you look at how they operate, they're desperately trying to trawl you to make up for some deficit in their lives - but there's no shame in walling off your interactions with them, or people who will act as their henchmen.Block as you see fit. Shrug off the rest. And remember that hey, you're just putting words out onto the Internet, all anyone can judge you by is the words they've read from you - and if that's insufficient for people you'd like to get better reactions from, you need to get better words.That's how you can survive.Good luck.Link: https://fetlife.com/users/338073Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, buds, blogging, comments, angry, dealing, people, drama, social, media, journal.
#251 - The Wild Triad ShowOver the course of our history we have had the privilege to talk about polyamory with so many of our guests. We have had a lot of insight into how all of the pieces can fit into a working poly relationship. So, when we were approached by longtime friend of the cast, AutumnOrange, with the idea of an inside look at poly relationship we were happy to do so! When we last checked, this popular polycule’s recent video from Extreme Love (see link below) had 17 million plus views within just a few short days. So, please join Autumn and Woody as they get the inside scoop from Ken, Vanessa/Bela, and Daniel as they tell us all about their poly relationship, their lives, and a little bit of everything in between.We had the opportunity to sit down with all three of them and talk relationships, advocacy, parenting, communication, becoming Poly, and all the other stuff that makes them plenty weird otherwise. Daniel GreenWolf is a professional Magician who travels the USA performing for Renaissance Faires, Festivals, and other events for over twenty years, along with being the co-owner of the Midsummer Fantasy Renaissance Faire of Ansonia, CT for the last eight years. Vanessa performs as Bella GreenWolf along side Daniel in their full Illusion Show "Celtic Magic" and aside from Magic and Fire Eating, is a Registered Nurse. Ken is a writer and Business Tech Magazine Editor-In-Chief and creator of the StoryPhoenix Project. StoryPhoenix is dedicated to the importance of stories for inspiration, enlightenment, and the encouragement of creative thinking. Stories matter. Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofYg0TTWeiE&t=8sGingerosity Podcast: www.TheGingerosity.com. Daniel's Page: Facebook.com/GreenWolfMagic. Vanessa's Page: Facebook.com/BellaGreenWolfMagic. Ken's Page: Facebook.com/Ken.Briodagh. Story Phoenix: www.StoryPhoenix.comKeywords: podcast, kinkycast, poly, family, triad, wild, magic, magician, autumn, Daniel, Vanessa, ken, sex, sexuality, bisexuality, poly sexuality, religion, kids, married, boy friend, girl friend, polycule, relationship
#252 - Bella LaVey - Author "Fetish Girl"Bella LaVey spent five years as the highly sought-after dominatrix and erotic wrestler known as Evil Kitty. Through her own sexual awakening, she learned that there is nothing more powerful than bringing one’s darkness into the light and owning your story. Bella believes we must become unshameable around our sexuality to become sexually whole and empowered. She is a holistic sex and relationship coach and facilitates several workshops in the domains of embodiment, tantra, intimacy and erotic polarity at her studio, Temple Shakti in Austin. Her book, Fetish Girl: A Memoir of Sex, Domination and Motherhood was be published on November 13th, 2018. Fetish Girl is a provocative, dark, and erotic memoir that tells it like it is. LaVey pulls readers into her evolving journey: Dancer to Stripper to Dominatrix to Erotic Wrestler to BDSM aficionado and all of this while being a single mother trying to do right by her son. This true story doesn’t hold back from diving into these subcultures with a keen eye for the kinky, for the sexy, for the power of taking a risk. “Fans of the Fifty Shades series will undoubtedly find much to savor in this ribald, risqué, and captivating remembrance.” Kirkus ReviewBuy it on Amazon. To learn more about Bella and upcoming workshops at Learn more at http://www.BellaLaVey.comKeywords: podcast, kinkycast, bella, lave, fetish, girl, dominatrix, wrestler, kitty, evil, sexuality, empowered, holistic, sex, relationship, workshops, tantra,
#253 - Lady Steele - Consent AppsWTF? Consent Apps? A do-it-yourself, grab your phone, and get consent for whatever you want/need. These 'said to be legally binding' apps will simply not get the job done in a court of law. In the show we describe several types that include everything from recording a video together giving both participants' ‘permission’ to debauch. Others have a check list of BDSM kinks and what will be strictly followed by the people involved. Long time friend of the Cast, Lady Steele, Lawyer to the Kinksters, brings a legal perspective to the app and what you should expect as a participant.Lady Steele has served in the Leather community since 1999 and has presented and volunteered across the country. She resides in Atlanta where she operates her law practice that serves alternative lifestyles.Link: https://www.avrahamlaw.com/Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, consent, apps, Sarah, Avraham, lady, Steele, do-it-yourself, permission, debotch, buds, negotiate, renegnotiate

#254 - IsMostlyEvil - The Lazy Doms Guide to DommingIn our exhausting search for new and different things to bring out listeners, we stumble onto some pretty interesting people and some downright hilarious writings. Tonight we bring you, Is Mostly Evil’s slightly tilted world of lazy Domming. How did IsMostlyEvil (aka IsMe) get here, you need to listen to this wild ride into a lazy world…But first, a disclaimer of sorts...I do want to point out to those who don't quite get the concept of satire and humor: This is for entertainment purposes only. This is not an actual guide to anything. Yes, many of the ideas and concept in the following writings do actually work, but as a stand alone thing, you'd be a complete shit of a person to treat someone this way.The Lazy Dom’s Guide to DommingKeywords: podcast, kinkycast, lazy, dom, guide, ismostlyevil, isme, satire, humor, advise, sub, not, domming, warped

#255 - Susan Wright - NCSF - In The NewsEvery year at Christmas time we sit down with Susan Wright of the National Coalition of Sexual Freedom (NCSFreedom.org). We talk about what’s in the news that Kinksters, polyamorists, and the spectrum of players that we call friends. With the many changes in the presidential cabinet, we wonder what was changer in 2018 and what might change in 2019. What rights we may loose, current freedoms that will be less free and the just plain fucking us that is so irritable. This is always an informative show and this year is loaded with some gems that you may not have noticed, in your daily life… Yet!Links: http://ncsfreedom.org/component/k2/itemlist/tag/DSM http://ncsfreedom.org/press/blog/item/ncsf-fosta-sesta-update-and-call-to-actionKeywords: podcast, kinkycast, ncsf, susan, wright, dem, fosta, sesta, sexual, trafficking, freedom