#214 - Ben Schenker - Poly Law
Ben focuses on providing legal support to families, especially LGBT/GSM and polyamorous families, utilizing a variety of techniques, ranging from cohabitation agreements and parenting plans to estate planning and preparing to obtain cohabitation rights via alternative mechanisms. Ben can also offer tax advice, especially as relates to pre-nuptial agreements. Ben works with clients to make sure that the fees he charges are reasonable, and will work with payment plans. Ben is admitted to practice in Maryland and Washington, D.C. He is a member of the D.C. Bar Association Family Law Community, the Family Law Section of the Maryland State Bar Association, and the Alternative Families Committee of the Family Law Section of the American Bar Association, as well as of the DC LGBT Bar Association and the National LGBT Bar Association. He is a strong believer in pro bono service, and has earned awards from the California State Bar and the Legal Aid Society of San Diego for his work.Ben has published articles about divorce and estate planning, and the history of divorce in Maryland. He also has a forthcoming article focusing on how attorneys can use the lessons learned by LGBT/GSM attorneys to help protect non-married and polyamorous families, and an upcoming presentation to a local kink group about how to use estate planning techniques to ensure privacy. Ben has presented his paper about the history of divorce in Maryland to the Family Law Sections of the Baltimore County Bar Association and the Baltimore City Bar Association.
Links: Website: Polyamory.law MDSchenkerLaw.com
Facebook: @mdschenkerlaw Twitter: @polyamorylawyer
Email: PolyamoryLawyer@gmail.com Ben@SchenkerLaw.com
Website Feature: https://www.mdschenkerlaw.com/service-finder/
Ben was featured on PolyWeekly Podcast: http://polyweekly.com/550-ask-poly-lawyer/
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, ben, schenker, poly, law, dc, bar, lgbt, gsm, legal, aid