#290 - Scarlett Ross - Jumping Off the Relationship Escalator
Let's talk about jumping off the relationship escalator and breaking through the monogamous mindset. We have a great deal of holdover ideas from monogamous culture that can be toxic or limiting to polyamorous / Consensual Non-monogamous relationships. But how do we define successful relationships if we aren’t using society’s measuring stick?
Scarlett’s Bio:
Scarlett is a writer, teacher and wild woman with 20+ years in polyamory – which is good since she is a poly educator and works with individuals, groups and non-profits to improve the world around us. Scarlett walks in the polyamorous world through thick and thin with her family of the heart including adults, children, cats, dogs, horses and many variations in relationship structure. She is a passionate teacher hoping to find love, friendship and insight through careful consideration, continuous exploration and just the right question at the right time.
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, poly, polyamorous, relationship, escalator, consensual, non-monogamous, society, jump, jumping, Scarlett, ross, Atlanta