#295 - River City Girls of Leather
Today Woody talks with Sassy, Carolina and Rachel, the leaders of River City Girls of Leather.…
SassySelfie on Fet and Vice President of River City girls of Leather. Been in the lifestyle for I think its 5 maybe 6 years now. I have had the honor to be co-mod to 2 groups with in the jax Florida area, Submissive of Jacksonville and Start Here Jacksonville. But have since left and now on my woundersous leather journey.
The President is Carolina22. She’s been in the lifestyle for 4 years. She is a collared slave to @CanSpanknJax. She is originally from Ohio, but has found her home in Jacksonville, FL.
Also on the show is RachellNoir. Rachelle is from Indianapolis, Indiana. I have been in the lifestyle for four years and am the slave of @He_is_my_Sir. She is the Director of Public Relations for River City girls of Leather. Outside of duties with them, She’s pledging The Hard Pink Sisterhood, MAsT Indy and IMAS.
What’s the organization about?
River City girls of Leather is a non-profit patch club based out of Jacksonville, FL. The club is for Leather identified women/girls, transgenders, and those who are curious about and/or enjoy Leather culture and history.
It is our goal to increase understanding and encourage camaraderie among Leather identified women/girls within the Leather and alternative lifestyle communities with respect, honor, integrity, and dignity.
They also hope to provide support as a sisterhood to local and regional Leather/alternative lifestyle organizations or events through attendance, educational presentations, group volunteering, and/or community service.
Although there are other traditional Leather clubs in our community, we saw a need locally for something that is different from any other clubs. We wanted to not only share our love of Leather, Leather history, but also provide an environment for sisterhood, education not only in kink/bdsm, but also in empowerment for women by women who face the same challenges.
Through hosting educational presentations and demos. Also through providing mentorship.
Educational opportunities being offered:
Many coming into the lifestyle do not know the importance of vetting, let alone how to vet someone. Vetting - Know the me before the He and W/we goal is to educate and empower women so they are less likely to fall prey to predatory behaviors.
Some topics covered in this presentation are:Knowing yourself, values, wants needs Empowering yourself Identifying traits wanted/needed in an owner upfront to kiss less dominant frogs.
Vetting and negotiation is the next big steps in any lifestyle dynamic. Negotiation 101 will cover: What to cover during negotiations, what are some red flags to look for, what are the various types of consent to consider - SSC (Safe, Sane, Consensual) RACK (Risk Awareness Consensual Kink) PRICK (Personal Responsibility Informed Consent Kink)
Even with these three types of Consent, every 92 seconds another American is sexually assaulted.
1 out of every 6 American women have been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime (14.8% completed, 2.8% attempted) and about 3% of American men or 1 in 33 have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.
Consent violations are a major issue within our community.
Because this topic hit us close to home, they felt it was important to educate on it.
Some of the topics covered in Consent - No is No are: What are consent violations, how to handle one if it happens to you, how to handle one if you’re a witness, how to handle one if it’s truly a sexual assault and the police need to be involved. Current culture do not call the police. Fear of outing others, liability for those hosting the event, ways Leadership can handle things to keep things in house and stop mob mentality.
Just like it's hard to know what is and is not a consent violation, it’s hard to know what is and is not abuse. Especially in the activities we all engage in. To help with identifying, we will offer What’s BDSM and whats abuse?
Topics covered are: How to tell if you’re being a victim of abuse, male domestic violence, where to go if you need help.
We truly feel knowledge is power. An empowered s-type not only empower themselves, but their owners. An empowered woman/girl will be more apt to give back to the community in positive ways. That is the hope of their organization. To give back in positive ways.
How do we find more information or how can someone become involved?
By visiting the webpage at www.rivercitygirlsofleather.com The site is currently under construction but should be live shortly. Visit us on Facebook @rivercitygirlsofleather or Fet @RCgoL, https://ca.gofundme.com/f/rcgol-emergency-medical-fund-for-dee
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, leather, girls, women, education, educate, organization, consent, reporting, negotiation, abuse, vetting, rape