#298 - Find Me in the Sun - Life Changing Events
Today Woody sticks his nose in FindMeInTheSun’s business. She lays it out best…
"I have never been your typical California girl, sure I have blonde hair, sometimes, the sun is like my mothership, I am pretty much tan all year round, I used surf slang a lot, but that is about all that makes me your typical Cali girl. After living my life for someone else (which I have no regrets doing) I realized I lost myself. When my son moved in with his dad and left me pretty much an empty nester, I realized I didn’t have an identity away from him, I didn’t even know what I liked to do for fun; everything in my life was centered around my son. So, by chance, I discovered BDSM and then Fetlife and my journey started. The journey of self-discovery through Kink. And I would not change a second of it.”
Link: https://fetlife.com/users/7707210
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, life, changing, findmeinthesun, sun, find, change, California, lost, son, identity, BDSM, journey