#300 - KinkyCast Goes to San Francisco
For our 300th show, we decided to do something different. Nurse Ratched and Woody took off for San Francisco. The City is Woody’s birth place and holds a lot of memories. We were invited to the Citadel for the Pre-Folsom Party, what a great time we had. We spoke with Robert a DM, Raven the owner and her manager. A wonderful time was had by all. We went to the Folsom Street Fair, a fair like nothing you have ever been to. It was a colorful, kinky, loud, GLBT+ meeting of the minds and souls. We kept hearing the San Francisco Gay Chorus, after we returned to home base saw the new documentary called, Gay Chorus Deep South. This movie gives a view to the prejudice Southern States that is still hard to watch. The 300 strong chorus toured the south bring a message on love and unity and yes, many got it, but some will never change. We have included the audio of the movie trailer to give you an idea of what happened. Follow the links to see the trailer and check out the locations where the movie is being shown. It will go into wider distribution next year, it is a must see for anyone that cares for human kind.
Links: https://sfcitadel.org/ https://www.folsomstreetevents.org/folsom-street-fair/
https://www.gaychorusdeepsouth.com/ Photo Page and Now Showing
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, citadel, San Francisco, Folsom, fair, movie, gay, chorus, deep, south, prejudice, love, unity, singing, church, raven, Robert