#308 - What Is Kink? - Year End Discussion Group
Sit a bunch of people around a microphone and the conversation can go in any direction. In the past it was everything you could not talk about at the dining room table. This one is different. We dig a bit deeper into what we think, is kink and what makes us kinky. Questions like: When did you first feel you were kinky? How old were you when it occurred? What was the situation? We covered if any of the panel members were sexually violated by a family member. We got into consent, giving it and revoking it. For the next hour, sit back and follow our crew on a journey through kinky discovery.
Informational Link: http://sexed.net/kinky-sex/
Questions Link: Click here to ask a question
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, kink, sex, BDSM, group, discussion, violated, age, kinky, consent, revoke, panel