#316 - (Rescheduled) Frolicon May 20-23, 2021 - PreShow with Chrissie
Frolicon is the unique juxtaposition of the geek and kink worlds celebrated in glorious fashion in the heart of downtown Atlanta. Each Spring we celebrate our unique sense of fun and frivolity with 3000 of our closest friends. What’s your poison? We’ve got it all. Kink. Gaming. Burlesque. Music. Costuming. Parties. Lots and lots of parties.
This year Danarama will take the main stage
Dan has more than two decades of experience a Dominant in the Bondage and S&M lifestyle and 18 years as a professional speaker and teacher on bondage and alternative sexuality skills. In addition to presenting his own diverse range of live workshops at conferences around the world, he is co-founder of the Two Knotty Boys rope bondage instruction duo (see our 12-year video), a co-author of two best-selling rope bondage books and creator/co-creator of numerous free bondage tutorials on video. Danarama was also the full time director and producer of Kink University.com, the educational wing of Kink.com. A frequent instructor for other BDSM educational websites, as well as the rope bondage rigger for numerous fetish productions and photographers Ken Marcus, Eric Kroll, Z. Maitri, Dan has also co-directed and performed as a Dominant for numerous websites such as SexandSubmission.com, TheUpperFloor.com, SocietySM.com, TheTrainingofO.com, SexuallyBroken.com, and DungeonSex.com.
At Frolicon we pride ourselves on providing a safe and comfortable place where you can be you. With tracks of programming with focuses on LGBTQIA, erotica and sci-fi/fantasy authors, photography, dance, polyamory, psychology, and so much more we are positive that you’ll find your happy place and maybe discover a few new ones.
Every year Frolicon strives to bring our attendees a gorgeous array of fun, sexy, and unique entertainment. Shows and contests. Music and dancing. We’ve got something for everyone.
Watch the beautiful ladies (and a few guys too) of burlesque from some of the Southeast’s most talented troupes. Be amazed by the adult hypnosis show, incredible feats of strength and daring at the circus sideshows, and laugh your ass off with some of Atlanta’s most hilarious standup and improv comics. Whatever your entertainment tastes Frolicon brings in the best performance groups around. Feel like winning some big bucks (or maybe watch friends make total fools of themselves)? Frolicon’s got you covered. Costume contests and lip sync battles and pantsless dancing, oh my! And get that tushy ready for the one and only Frolicon’s Most Spankable Ass Competition! There’s nothing else like it. Anywhere.
The Music Midway will be welcoming back some of your favorite musical guests to serenade you throughout your weekend.
See you in the Spring!
Link: https://www.frolicon.com/
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, BDSM, Kink, Gaming, Burlesque, Music, Costuming, Parties, parties, Danarama, LGBTQIA, Dominant, Bondage, S&M, lifestyle, burlesque, adult, think, poly, Atlanta, Frolicon, Costume, pantsless, Spankable