#346 - Master Cecil and Darcy - Event, What Event?
Here we are in the autumn of 2020 and kinky event promoters and wondering what’s next. How do you plane an event in a time of uncertainty? Master Cecil and Darcy talk about the steps to move forward into the brave new year. Their annual big event is FIRE - Florida Intense Rope Experience, one of the larger rope events in the US. Planning is underway for the 2021 event. We discuss how to get from ‘point unknown’ to point ‘I hope so’. Dealing with booking hotels with contingency plans and dealing with the potential attendance with an unsure populous. We try to get back to a new normal with our friends and community. We delve into the possibilities of online events in the time when we can’t gather in a physical place.
Link: https://fetlife.com/users/4532738?sp=1
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, woodshed, Cecil, Darcy, fire, rope, Florida, events, uncertain, COVID, promoter, plan, hotel, online
Keywords: podcast #kinkycast, #woodshed, #Cecil, #Darcy, #fire, #rope, #Florida, #events, #uncertain, #COVID, #promoter, #plan, #hotel, #online