#353 - John Baku - Locked Down.
Most of us know who John Baku is, but for those who don’t, John is the brain behind FetLife.com. This is John’s fourth appearance on KinkyCast and we haven’t spoken in a while. As with everyone else, 2020 has brought challenges to running any business. Today John speaks about how he spread out his site creators and operators around the world, before the pandemic. We ask how John and his crew are communicating and keeping the site, not only running but thriving! FetLife is approaching 10 million users and is a force in the sexuality websites. Today Woody and John wander over what’s going on in kinkdom and how players are dealing with the inability to personally socialize.
About John:
“I started working on FetLife in October of 2007 and launched the website on January 3rd, 2008. I have been working my tail off ever since I first envisioned FetLife and want to make sure that FetLife becomes the best community, dare I even say social network, for anyone who is kinky or has a fetish. That includes everyone from those who call the fetish community their home to someone who just had the first wet dream that was caused by them fantasizing about one of the many fetishes that are out there. (Can someone over the age of 18 have a wet dream?”)
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, John, Baku, Fetlife, pandemic, locked, down, million, remote, crew, world, thriving, sexuality, kingdom, community, fetish, 2007, 2008
Keywords: podcast #kinkycast #John #Baku #Fetlife #pandemic #locked #down #million #remote #crew #world #thriving #sexuality #kingdom #community #fetish #2007 #2008