#357 - Dahlia & Rich Styles - Swinger Party On!
This week we talk with swingers, Dahlia and Rich. How do you keep a swinger group in Covid times? We learned it’s about community. Here is what these community builders have to say. “We look to bring together sexy like-minded people in a safe and fun atmosphere. We specialize in hosting parties that cater to the adventurous who enjoy erotic experiences and expanding their horizons. (You only live once!)
Whether you are a newbie or been enjoying the alternative lifestyle for a long time you are welcome! Meet & greets are hosted before parties so that people can say hi and meet others in a vanilla happy hour setting.
Follow us and be the first to know about our next party or event!
We are based in Nashville, however we look for different locations to host parties regularly and one might be cumming soon close to you.”
Join the party! Stay sexy & kinky friends.
Links: https://fetlife.com/KnS_SocialClub?sp=1. Events: https://fetlife.com/events/953392
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, swinger, kink, dahlia, rich, styles, community. Events, covid, fun, meet, alternative, adventurous
Keywords: #podcast #kinkycast #swinger #kink #dahlia #rich #styles #community #Events #covid #fun #meet #alternative #adventurous