#359 - Dr. Elizabeth ‘Eli’ Sheff - The Bonding Project
The Bonding Project seeks to answer a common question: how do we bond? For centuries, the mainstream answer has been simple: We bond in sexually monogamous pairs. Yet we are in a time of incredible change and re-thinking: Relationships, community, race, political norms, civic life, even what it means to be human are all shifting from old norms to new possibilities. In recent years, unconventional relationships have become more mainstream. Long time monogamous partners are discussing “opening” their relationship. Some people are choosing to be “single” forever. Others are creating multi-partner family units. So many possible configurations can make navigating intimate relationships both exciting and confusing. The Bonding Project’s goal is to help people identify their bonding preferences and connect with partners with compatible bonding styles. Too often mainstream societies take a one-size-fits-all approach to relationships, and dating apps generally focus on one’s quantity of digital connections over quality of compatibility between real humans. With decades of combined personal and professional experience to a variety of romantic and sexual bonding styles, our team sees an opportunity to grow our collective capacity for finding and maintaining diverse, healthy relationships. It is our hope that, through the resources and community we share, we can support all of you on your own journeys.
About Dr. Eli…
Dr. Elisabeth “Eli” Sheff is a researcher, expert witness, coach, speaker, and educationalconsultant. With a PhD in Sociology (University of Colorado, Boulder, 2005) and certification asa Sexuality Educator from the AASECT (the American Association of Sexuality Educators,Counselors, and Therapists, 2012), Dr. Sheff specializes in gender and sexual minority families,consensual non-monogamy, and kink/BDSM. Sheff is the foremost academic expert onpolyamorous families with children, and her 20+ year Polyamorous Family Study is the onlylongitudinal study of poly families with children to date. Currently lecturing at the University ofTennessee in Chattanooga, Sheff has also taught at the University of Colorado, University ofMontana, Georgia State University, Oglethorpe, Emory, and the University of Zurich. Sheff co-chairs the Consensual NonMonogamies Legal Issues Team for the American Psychological Association, Division 44.
Links: https://www.bondingproject.com/
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, Elizabeth. Shelf, Eli, dr, bonding, project, research, survey, monogamous, poly, relationship, partner, family, society
Keywords: #podcast #kinkycast #Elizabeth #Shelf #Eli #dr #bonding #project #research #survey #monogamous #poly #relationship #partner #family #society