#362 - KinkyCast Year-End Discussion Group
Another one for the record books. The year 2020 will be remembered for generations to come. As a community we found it hard to get our ‘kink on’, and we were isolated from our friends and family. Poly families were split up and extended families stopped seeing each other for pure safety. How will the affect our psyche? Today we take a look back at the year and real at it’s ability to knock us all down a notch. Today’s show is an hour-long and unlike the normal end of the year show, we couldn’t sit around the table and chat, so we did the next best thing… Zoom it! We were able to bring friends from across the country, to talk about what has happened to them in this crazy year. Included in this show is a revealing look into a poly family being outed by an undisclosed source.
Panelists: Woody, Leigh, Nookie, Unicorn Husbandry, Rainbow Kitty7, Nurse Ratched, Touchy, MissTress, Dr. Vanilla, Dr. Brad Sagarin, Just Rob, Just Karen and Hi Catsuit.
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, year, end, discussion, group, panel, 2020, 2021, outed, pandemic, locked in, Covid
Keywords: podcast #kinkycast #year #end #discussion #group #panel #2020 #2021 #outed #pandemic #locked in #Covid