#370 - Mary Jane - Intelligence Play
This week we connect with Mary Jane. A few words in her profile caught our attention. Words like ‘demisexual’ and ’sapiosexual’. Mary Jane is a lovely woman living in the south of the USA and is a real brainiac. Her Fet profile is “Mary_Jane_Needs” and we were curious what she needed. Listen to Mary Jane as she lays out her needs, desires, and getting along in today's world.
In her own words…
I am a polyamorous, deeply submissive, demi/sapiosexual cis-gendered woman. I am very bratty. I will push you in ways that you may not expect. I like to wrestle and push and poke: daring you and testing you emotionally and psychologically to see what makes you tick investigating your innerworkings. I am clean and sober and expect that you will respect and honor that.
I seek out authenticity and originality in my everyday interactions and LOVE people. My myers-briggs is INFJ-A. I thrive on intelligent conversation and become quite bored and lost in thought during small talk or gossip and find it difficult to follow. I am sapiosexual and can be quite attracted to high levels of intelligence. I love it when a man can keep up with me intellectually.
I do LOVE impact and require it as I require breathing. I enjoy the sensual side of impact with a sadistic twist. My favorite is OTK hand spankings but Tops’ hands usually wear out before my ass does, lol. Just a warning. lol.
I am polyamorous. More succinctly and accurately, I am interested in relationships centered on polyfidelity. Please do not confuse polyamorous with emotionally unavailable, or someone unable to become attached. I love deeply and care a lot. I’ll probably tell you that I love you if that arises for me. I have a really big heart. I am extremely likely to tell my friends that I love them frequently.
I am always open to discussing the possibility of negotiating play scenes involving impact and rope bottoming. I am not a little though I am kawaii. I am interested in playing with the right couple(s) and unattached men if you are willing to be vetted. Though I do prefer relationships with men in established and healthy relationships. I am solo poly and am not interested in a primary relationship.
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, Mary, Jane, needs, wants, desires, Demisexual, sapiosexual, impact, poly, brat, OTK, polyfidelity, bottom, rope, relationship
Keywords: #podcast #kinkycast #Mary #Jane #needs #wants #desires #Demisexual #sapiosexual #impact #poly #brat #OTK #polyfidelity #bottom #rope #relationship