#375 - The Woods' on Voyeurism
MnMorningWood and GingercurlyMWood are kinksters and Fetsters from the Minneapolis area. Ginger is the cute one.They are a committed couple, often seen at munches, parties, and educational events of all kinds that are part of the rich kink scene in Minnesota.They both have a voyeuristic slant - not just watching people at play, but also voyeurs constantly gaining a deeper understanding of their personal passions and those of their friends. They feel Fet is a voyeuristic feast for both the eyes and the mind-- so many players and so many ways we let our kink come out to play. They love watching others at play just as much as they love learning what motivates their friends and their unique kinks. When not at events, they can be found sharing pillow talk about kink and their lifestyle, discussing the dynamics of BDSM, D/s and all aspects of life in this community and how we get on as kinky fuckers.Ginger is a kinky woman with a romantic and passionate core, who expresses it enthusiastically and exclusively with her partner, and sometimes even writes about it. She is widely known in our community by her many great friends, as a warm, supportive soul, and an encouraging voyeur.MnMorning was a prolific writer on Fet, posting about the enjoyment of sex through both fiction and memoirs, as well as the writer of a very popular post: "How to Eat Pussy." He really wants all of us to have better sex, and won’t stop talking and writing about it.Both are monogamous and happy, which makes them sometimes feel like a rare species in the kink community. Though they express it unconventionally, there are threads of D/s that are core to their daily life. They always have new areas they wish to explore together, their next planned adventure being a deeper dive into the sensuous side of ropes play.
Links: Ginger’s Fet Page Morning Wood’s Fet Page
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, ginger, morning, wood, voyeurism, voyeur, exhibition, sex, photo, outside, motel, swinger, BDSM, MN
Keywords: #podcast #kinkycast #ginger #morning #wood #voyeurism #voyeur #exhibition #sex #photo #outside #motel #swinger #BDSM #MN