#386 - RopeTigerDaddy - All About Kissing (To listen, scroll down to the bottom of the page)
Who is Rope Tiger Daddy, read on…
A Primal Tiger:
To me, being a primal isn’t a game. I didn't set out to "be" a tiger, nor do I play as one. It just fits me and my personality. The way to my heart is fucking, food and naps. I am lazy and reserve my energy for those who I wish to spend it on. Which means I don't keep a group of friends or a pack. I don't pursue and hunt down prey. It comes to me. And when it comes to me, teeth and claws are what I become.
A Complex Sadist:
I am CONSENSUALLY PROVOCATIVE. The meaning of that word has been bastardized. Provocative - "causing ........ another strong reaction, especially deliberately." To sum up what I enjoy the most is to see someone struggle (pain or pleasure) and to know I caused that struggle. I'm a Buddhist so I believe in not harming others unless they really really want me to. I love tools and implements but I also love fucking with someone's mind. I've been called a "laughing sadist" because I genuinely enjoy what I do.
A Rigger:
I believe in rope used in the traditional sense which is not to just decorate and not to create patterns and designs but rather to make the bottom feel something. That something could be shame or Domination or pain or pleasure. But my rope is a feeling rope, not just aesthetic.
Tonight’s subject
Ok boys and girls, time to talk about a passion of mine: Kissing.I wrote about kissing before. It was funny that some people got perturbed and called it the least kinky thing ever. Well, I tend to disagree. In this four-part essay, I will write about. Why kissing is the best fucking thing ever. What constitutes a good kiss. Why you are probably doing it wrong. How to get better. Kissing is the basis of sex. Can you have sex without it? Yes, you can have sex without a lot of things. For me, they are intertwined. Because my kink and D/s is sexual, therefore logically follows that I can't have kink or D/s without kissing. Logic!!
I mean if I have to convince you that kissing is great you are probably the type of person that tortures small animals. I'm not saying you do for sure. But the chances are pretty high.
If a woman fucks me well I'll keep seeing her. If she sucks dick really good I might make her my girlfriend. But if she kisses great I will fall in love. End of story.
I want that type of kiss that makes me throw you up against the wall with my hand on your throat. The kind where we lose track of time. The kind where you are fucking up a whole room and creating a giant mess and no one cares. That type of kiss that makes me more primal than blood and makes my dick harder than a blowjob.
The kiss is the connection that builds greater connections.
What constitutes a good kiss? I think its different to different people. But I think we all agree it has to be balanced. The mouth has to be open but not too open. The tongue has to be there but he has to hang back a bit and not be a dick. There has to be a press between the participants but not too much. Some movement and switches but not constant. And not too much of any one thing and not too little of any either.
Ok....controversy. If no one has ever told you that you are a good kisser then you probably suck. I don't make these rules up. Also if someone has tried to pry your lips open and force anything. If they have to hold the back of your head to press you closer. If someone has had to chase you or move body position. All pretty definitive signs in my opinion.
I don't believe people are innately good kissers. I think they have to be adaptable to their partner. I think good kissers are made. Great kissers make themselves. Adaptation is the greatest power when it comes to kissing. If you are unwilling to meet your partner halfway or to think maybe you aren't a bad kisser then you will always probably suck at it. Sorry.
But in my experience there are two types of kissers. The stubborn ones (y’all are all in my comments right now defending your odd techniques) and the adaptable ones. You already know which is superior.
Sins of kissing!!!!!!:
Lips pursed, mouth closed (are you my fucking auntie?)No tongue or all tongueKeeping gum in!!! (WHY GOD WHY??) Not conscious of bad breathEyes closed (not all the time at least)No engagement (takes two to tango)Sucking on tongue (just no) (OK, some of you like this. Fuckin weirdos. If someone sucks my tongue I will fuck your face with it. 100% LOL)How to get better? Some of you never will. Period. If someone told you that you were a bad kisser it would not compute. But if you are interested in it, try this technique. Match your partner. Mirror them. If they use 30% tongue, try 30% tongue. If they open their mouth 90 degrees, do the same. Because chances are the way people kiss is the way they want to be kissed. You can actually dial the number back and have them meet you halfway. You both might find a happy medium.
Conversely!!! If someone sucks at kissing, mirror them back. They will see just how dopey it is to never open their mouth or to have a tongue shoved to their uvula. Or they may just think you are an awesome kisser. And in that case at least one of you can be happy!
Kissing is not that hard folks. But some of you are making it hard!
RTD’s Fet Page
Podcast, kinkycast, kissing, kiss, rope, tiger, daddy, ropetigerdaddy, sex, relationship, open, kisser, bad, good
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