#421 - Xir Oya & Girl Gaia - Age Gap Dynamics
Xir Oya is your current Mr. Maryland Leather 2020-2021, born and raised in Baltimore, MD. Xir Oya is a Millennial Leather Classicist and kink prodigy and the Head-of-Household for the Tribe of Mount Saint Oya. They were acknowledged as a Sir in Nov. 2019. They were the co-host of LGBT Detroit's 2nd Annual "Cold As Hell" Fundraiser. They also are a contributing writer for kink media outlet, RECON. Xir Oya believes that it is imperative to both, “Welcome change and embrace fundamental tradition,” in order for the community to continue to evolve effectively. They travel for conferences, festivals, and any other educational opportunity or experience that they may draw from to evolve their ability. When they’re not in a hot scene, they're always approachable and willing to chat about their journey, or anything leather or kink related!
GAIA - slavegirl - Born in Washington, DC, slave girl green, entered the BDSM community in 2013. girl green is a queer-femme, slave, leathergirl, masochist, educator, bootblack, and puppy. She is affectionately known for her spirited approach to service in the Leather and Kink communities. She produced a conference “Bright Side of the Right Side: The Art of Submission and Surrender”. A conference for those interested in or that identify on the right side of the slash (ex. submissive, slave, switch). She continues to volunteer across the region for conferences like the Master/slave conference, NCSF, BHT and various other national and community-based organizations. green’s love of service keeps her busy. As the organizer of the DMV slave Munch she hopes to provide opportunities for those interested in or identify on the right side of the slash a place to build friendships, share experiences, discuss issues and network. Currently she is on the Board of The North East Person of Leather Contest as the Sponsorship Coordinator and is a staff writer for the National Leather Association’s newsletter where she has her own column titled, “50 Shades of green”. girl green is always available to lend an ear and committed to helping other submissives and slaves who seek guidance on their journey.
Link: https://www.mountsaintoya.com/
Keywords:, podcast, kinkycast, master, slave, leather, xir, oya, girl, Gaia, titleist, Maryland, LGBT, gender, poly
#podcast #kinkycast #master #slave #leather #xir #oya #girl #Gaia #titleist #Maryland #LGBT #gender #poly