#426 - PEP People - Nancy Ava Miller & Sera Miles
The Time Machine takes us back to Episode 40, October 31, 2014. Also Episode 26, July 25, 2014. Episodes below 100 are not available on streaming services, so we are bringing you some amazing guests that have been instrumental in making the path we all walk down.
Nancy Ava Miller - Community Architect
Nancy Ava Miller is the Johnny Appleseed of BDSM, having a hand in starting many kink communities - Atlanta, Washington DC’s Black Rose was a PEP chapter, RNT in Nashville was a PEP chapter, Houston, Albuquerque, St Louis, Cincinnati’s first organized pansexual group was a PEP.
Sera Miles - Sex Activist
Sera Miles founded and directs the social networking group New Mexico FetLifers. Her group holds monthly events, coordinate with the larger alternative sexuality community in New Mexico/Western TX, and maintains a calendar of events around her region. She works for People Exchanging Power (PEP), both as a phone counselor and on the business side. Sera is a sex worker for over 17 years, and I’m an ardent sex work activist. She is teaching more in the community; having developed classes on storytelling, diplomacy, writing profiles, and the pressures to be perfect. "I'm a little esoteric. I can also always whip out a 101/intro to the scene class!”
Links: https://peplove.com/ https://seramiles.com/
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, Nancy, Ava, Miller, Sera, Miles, community, architect, Johnny Appleseed, New Mexico, Leather, kinky, ace spectrum, D-type, Educator, activist, perv, sex worker
#podcast #kinkycast #Nancy #Ava #Miller #Sera #Miles #community #architect #Johnny Appleseed #New Mexico #Leather #kinky #ace #spectrum #D-type #Educator #activist #perv #sex worker