#506 - Guy Baldwin - Hardy Haberman - Race Bannon - Legends - KC Time Machine
Today, we're featuring a trio who have been integral to the gay leather scene since its inception. Guy Baldwin, Hardy Haberman, and Race Bannon share their experiences of being gay in the 1960s. Baldwin, who was expelled from his home at 18 for being homosexual, found a new family within the WW2 veteran community. Haberman, based in Dallas, recounts tales of bars alerting gay patrons of impending vice squad raids, forcing men to find female dance partners or face jail time. Bannon, now a San Francisco-based activist, shares stories of Chicago’s famous gay bars that laid the foundation for the gay community.
Join us for a two-hour journey through a time when human rights were violated and gay rights were non-existent. These three legends of the American gay community share their experiences, both past and present. These recordings, some edited to remove outdated events, tell a story so important that it transcends sexual orientation. It’s a reminder of the importance of protecting our rights.
Guy Baldwin, M.S. (b. 1946), is a Los Angeles-based psychotherapist, author, activist, and educator specializing in BDSM and leather community issues. He has written three books and numerous articles for magazines such as Drummer, Frontiers, Checkmate, International Leatherman, and The Leather Journal. He also created a database of kink and BDSM-friendly professionals, now managed by the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom. (KinkyCast Episode #66)
Hardy Haberman (b. 1950) is an author, filmmaker, educator, and designer from Dallas, Texas. A prominent figure in the leather/fetish/BDSM community, he's also a frequent speaker at leather events. Haberman has been involved in LGBT activism since the mid-1970s and has served on the board of the Dallas chapter of GLAAD. He's currently the Chairperson on the Board of Directors of the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance and writes a column for Dallas Voice. (KinkyCast episode #101)
Race Bannon has been an organizer, writer, educator, speaker, and activist in the LGBT, leather/kink, polyamory, and HIV/STI prevention realms since 1973. He's authored two books, spoken to hundreds of audiences, and founded a groundbreaking alternative sexuality publishing company. He currently writes for the Bay Area Reporter. (KinkyCast Episode #244)
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, gay, legends, icon, Baldwin, guy, hardy, haberman, race, Bannon, San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, rights, violated
#podcast #kinkycast #gay #legends #icon #Baldwin #guy #hardy #haberman #Bannon #San Francisco #Dallas #Denver #rights #violated