#511 - Hilariously_Red on Primal Play
On this, episode 511, of KinkyCast, Woody and Red delve into the world of Primal Play within the BDSM community. Red, an expert in Primal Play, explains how participants strongly identify with the behavior of a particular animal or allow that animal's influence to shape their style of play. They discuss the different roles and headspaces involved in Primal Play, emphasizing the importance of respect, boundaries, and communication. Red also provides insights into the various types of primal scenes and offers resources for those interested in exploring Primal Play further.
Links: Red’s Fet Page.
Information on Primals, and the different types of Primal Play described in the podcast were written by A_Monster_Man, and can be found under the following links:
General Primal 1
General Primal 2
Floor Work
Bitey Time
Two Legs
From RedWonderland
Let’s Talk About Primal
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, hilariously, red, primal, buds, play, animal, roles, headspace, respect, boundaries, communication, scenes, resources, links
#podcast #kinkycast #hilariously # red #primal #buds #play #animal #roles #headspace #respect #boundaries #communication #scenes #resources #links