#419 - The Rabbi - Bratty Daddy
Bratty Daddies: What the Hell?!?
Brats are rule-breakers, daddies make the rules … what the hell? Bratty daddies are the chaotic good of the kink world, despite seemingly the dichotomy between those two labels. What rules can be broken, and who decided those rules anyway? Twisting expectations is the hallmark of a bratty daddy and there are some great examples of this from the pied piper of brats himself, The Rabbi.
*The* Rabbi
Born to kink on 6/9, The Rabbi (He/Him) is a Cisgender, Ambimorous, Gynesexual, Sadistic Bratty Daddy Dom. He has been called the "Prince of the Pervertables," "The Pied Piper of Brats," and "The Carrot Top of Kink.” (The last one was a compliment, right?) He creates his own unique toys with a sadistic flair that would make the prop master on Cutthroat Kitchen jealous, including ceiling fan paddles, Lego nipple clamps, and a mop head flogger to name a few, selling them on Etsy. The Rabbi has electrocuted people with slinkys, broken all Ten Commandments (over someone's ass), and hit people with everything he can get his hands on, including a literal kitchen sink. Currently, he's a mental health professional with a sex therapist certification in progress. The Rabbi is hoping to follow in the steps of the early psychological pioneer, William Moulton Marston, who was the creator D.I.S.C. Theory (Dominance / Inducement / Submission / Compliance) and the promotional tool for that theory, Wonder Woman. Follow him on FetLife as SINagogueBDSM and all other social media at SINagogueBDSM.com
Links: FetLife as SINagogueBDSM SINagogueBDSM.com
Keywords: podcast, kinkycast, rabbi, bratty, daddy, brat, educator, play, dungeon, laugh, pervertables, toys, sadistic, religious, DISC, SINagogue
#podcast #kinkycast #rabbi #bratty #daddy #brat #educator #play #dungeon #laugh #pervertables #toys #sadistic #religious #DISC #SINagogue